Chapter 15. Andra (4)

The man continued to attack Kim with his metal whip, each lashes harsher than the last one.

The kid seeing this had enough and put a barrier to protect Kim's body, his back was swarm with bloods, it was like a mini pool but instead of water… it was warm red blood.

The man seeing this, grew even more angrier, "YO-.. YOU DARE PUT UP A BARRIER TOWARD YOUR MASTER?!?!?!"


The kid didn't say anything, he just stared at the man like he was garbage, maybe even worse than a piece garbages.

The kid and Kim hide behind his barrier not knowing what to do, he looked at Kim seeing that he was shaking, his body was beginning to crumble to the ground.

Even though Kim couldn't see due to the blood blinding his vision, he could feel the kid worrying about him so he kept on reassuring him.

"Don't worry kid.. you are… in good.. hands…"

His body began to flops onto the ground, pools of his blood streaming out of Kim's body, the kid could feel Kim's blood flowing to him.

Kim body had enough… he finally collapsed to the ground…

"Looks like that savior of your finally had enough…" The man chuckled while saying that, he let out a disgusting grin. He was now focus on the kid.

"Why don't you put down that barrier of yours and come back to me? You know I treat you right..." The man tried to gaslight the kid, the kid just stared at him.

The stares from the kids frightened the man followed up by the silence the kid was showing to him.

A whimper of cowardliness could be heard from the man, he shout out to the kid, "Why... Why are you looking at me like that?!"

"You know how much effort I made to give you the best living conditions? Without me, you would've died in that slump!"

"..Death is better than being in the grasp of your hand.." The kid muttered as he sharply stares straight at the man...



The man ready up his whip, charging it back and forth, he swing it around with full speed.


Just as the man was about to attack the kid and Kim's unconscious body, he heard a young girl's voice calling out for him, "HEY FATTY MCFAT!!"

"HUH?!" The man turned around to the young girl calling out his man with insults.

"Over here!" The young girl waved, taunting the man.

"Another one? JUST HOW MANY ARE THERE?!?!?!" The man was getting annoyed by how many people are pissing him off today…

The man launched his charged whip at the young girl with no hesitation.

She swiftly dodged the charged whip. The whip came into contact with the wall, breaking it and sending little debris flying out all over the alleyway.

"Geez, I'm lucky I dodge that.." She said in a relief voice.

"How-..How did you? Never mind, I guess I'll have to try again!"

The man charged up his whip, he swung it around and launched it at the young girl.

She dodges the man attack with swift, after that, she began to keep on taunting him by sticking out her tongue.

"You know that's not going to hit me right? For how big you are, you sure have a small brain!" She said while laughing at him.

The man embarrassingly yelled out, "ARGH..! HOW DARE YOU MAKE FUN OF ME?"

He begins rapidly launching his whip attack on the young girl, all of his attack misses the girl and the man was beginning to feel tired, he stop and gasp for air.

The young girl looked at the kid and said, "Hey crying kid, won't you give me a hand here? You're being useless by just watching!"

"S-Shut up! I know, I'll do something!"

The boy begins putting out barriers all over the alleyway.

"What can I do with these barriers? They're useless in this situation!" The young girl bashes the crying kid's magic.

"Shut up!!!" The kid shouted at her, but the kid glanced at Kim body for a moment and sees that he was moving a little.

Kim regained conscious for a quick second, he woke up due to the kids bickering to one another.

"You.. guys… yall need.. to stay at the… bunker… leave it to me… I'll push the…"

Kim became unconscious once again, his body lay on the hard surface of the ground.

"Dammit, useless boy…" The young girl said to Kim collapsed body.

"Hey, don't say that about him!"

"And what are you going to do about it? Nothing"

"I-I.. who even are you?!" The kid asked if the girl with annoyance on his face.

"Me?! I am Uma Micheal!!" She said in a proud voice, a tone of voice which could easily be mistaken for prideful.

"But that useless man there did say something about push…" Uma Micheal heard what Kim said before he collapse.

"But pushing what?" Uma Micheal looked at the crying kid, she stared at him for a bit then she looked at his barriers.

"Ouhh! That's what he meant!" A light bulb light up on top of her head.

"What? What are you talking about?"

Uma Micheal sighed by how useless the kid was... "Just how useless are you, that you don't know anything about your own magic?!"

Uma Micheal told the kid to stand by and watch what she was thinking. Uma Micheal tested what she just thought of. She blasted basic spells at it, the spell hit the barrier, budging it a little.

"Hmph.. I was right!" She said in a prideful tone.

"What are you talking about?" The kid still don't know what Uma Micheal was thinking about, he didn't see clearly that his barriers was moving when a powerful spells came in contact with it.

"I mean that-" Before Uma Micheal could explain to the kid, the man fully rested up and gains all of his energy, he looked at the two kid with enraged expression.

"Y'all two really going to ignore that I was ever here!?!?!"

The man started charging up his metal whip, but this time it was faster than before.

"Swish!" and "Swoosh!" The whip got swung back back and forth. Uma Micheal seeing Thai told the kid, "Hey crying kid, just put up more of that barrier of yours and I'll take care of the rest."

The crying kid nodded at Uma Micheal and started putting as many barriers as he can.

"You think putting up all these barriers going to stop my attack?!" The man yelled out in chuckled voice.

"You do know that the more barriers you put up, the more weaker it becomes!"

The man ready himself to launch his attack at the kid that was lying on the ground, but before he do so, he heard a voice which he had forgotten all about.

"And that makes it easier for me to move it!!!" Uma Micheal yelled out, she casted multiple of spells at the barriers which cause it to move.

Barriers came crashing down at the man all In different directions, he couldn't dodge it as there was too many.

"Argh! YOU LITTLE BRATS!!!" The man was severely pissed off.

He begins launching his whip in different directions repeatedly, defending him from any oncoming attacks.

"How are we going to hit him now" The kid shouted to Uma Micheal.

"Just wait and see!" Uma Micheal assured the kid but then she pointed at him, "YOU!! On the other hand, need to look after yourself and Kim's unconscious body!"

Uma Micheal started writing a symbol on one of the barriers, she then began chanting while using her magic to make the barriers crash down onto the angry man.

"Hey crying kid, make the fat man mad or something."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Call him fat or something, I don't care, just try to distract him!"

The young boy hesitated for a bit and holds in his breath, there he thinks of all the terrible things the man had done to him, he thinks and thinks…


The man yelled out in angry, "YOU LITTLE BRAT!!! YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH*T!!!"

His focus was all on the young boy, he wanted to kill the kid and give him the most insufferable death imaginable as possible.

The man poured all of his angry toward the young boy forgetting all about Uma Micheal.

"There! That's more like it!" She said, while casting out magic spells. Uma Micheal called out the man name, "HEY PIG! EAT THIS!!!"

The man turned around to look at Uma Micheal and BAM!!!

A hard barrier came crashing down onto the man head, knocking him out completely.

Uma Micheal let out a sigh of relief, "Finally, we took care of that pig, he was just a waste of space in this world.."

"Y-yeah, finally!" The boy celebrated behind her.

"But you there, really? That insult was so bad… it makes me cringe..."

"S-shut up, it wasn't that bad.."

Uma Micheal then looked at Kim's unconscious body, she signaled the boy to put down his barrier but the boy frightened in fear shooks his head.

"Fine! If you want that man to die, be my guest!" She told him.

The young boy then looked at Kim's bloody unconscious body then looked up to stare at Uma, "Fine! But if you hurt him... I-" The boy put down his barrier.

"Oh beat it. You ain't going to do nothing! Now move!"

Uma Micheal gently pushes the boy away from Kim's unconscious body, she startles at the pools of blood surrounding Kim.

"Just how is he alive and breathing?" She mutter to herself. Uma Micheal is surprised by how Kim is still alive despite him losing so much blood, she begins to heal him.

"What are you doing?" The young boy asked.

"Healing him, now go away, you're distracting me!"

"Is he going to die?"

"Yes if you don't go right now.."

The young boy stands back fearing for Kim, fearing that Kim is going to die and that it's be his fault…

"Another stained on my hand huh.." The boy thought to himself.

The boy patiently waited as Uma Micheal healed Kim's unconscious messy and bloody body, blood had covered Uma Micheal whole hands.

After Uma Micheal was done healing Kim's body, the boy check up on the two.

"Is he okay?" The young boy asked Uma Micheal in a concerned voice.

"He'll be fine but my healing magic isn't that strong… still it'll do the tricks." Assuring the kid, she continued,

"I just closed up the wound so he won't lose as much blood as before."

The boy sighed in relief but Uma Micheal looked around and stared at Kim body.

"Now how are we going to take this man to the bunker?" She ask herself that question outloud, the boy heard this and replied with, "The bunker?"

"Oh my lord— I have no time to explain just help me find a way to drag his body to the bunker!"

The boy nodded at Uma Micheal. She looks around, she knows that she and the boy can't just drag Kim's body or carry him…

Uma Micheal continued to look around, there she stared at the boy. A lightbulb just lit up over her head.

"Hey, crybaby!" Uma Micheal proceeded to asked the kid to put a barrier where it was easy enough to move it but tough enough to hold up Kim's unconscious body.

"I'm just so smart" Uma Micheal thinks to herself as she glosses over her own cleverness.

There the kid and Uma Micheal carry Kim's unconscious body on the boy barrier as they head in the direction of the bunker…