Chapter 18. Andra (5)

Uma Micheal and the boy walk dragging Kim body around on the boy barrier., they made their way to the bunker Kim asked Uma Micheal a question, "Hey Uma!"

"What?" Her rudeness toward Kim could be heard by that response. Kim brush it off, "What did Filo mean when she said that she don't want to "lose" me again?"

"That huh?" Uma Micheal sighed… almost like she don't want to say anything, Kim caught a glimpse of Uma Micheal expression.

"Ern.. nevermind…"

Uma Micheal shook her head slightly, "No no, I supposed I have to tell you..."

She braced herself, breathing in and out, she stares at Kim, "You know how me and Filo Noa are sister right?"

"Yeah! What about it?"

"Well… We aren't actually blood related..."

Kim was shocked by this sudden news and he interrupted Uma Micheal with a question of his own.

"Filo not your blood related sister!?"

Shaking her head, Uma Micheal said to Kim.

"No she isn't… but back to what I was saying."

Kim nodded.

"She lost her younger brother during a war…"

Kim face looked distressed, guilty even… guilty that he was knowing about someone past without them knowing, he begin to apologize to Uma Micheal.

"I-I'm sorry... for bringing up sensitive topics…"

Uma Micheal shakes her head "Don't be… it's not your fault!" Reassuring him a little, Uma Micheal let out a sighed.

"She lost her younger brother during [The War Of The Great Tech]..."

Kim was shocked, Vas Allen told him that Andra didn't get damaged during the [The War Of The Great Tech].

"But I thought Andra didn't get scratch..?" He responded with, a little tremble of guilt could be heard in Kim voice.

"It didn't… it was just that Filo and her younger brother was at another place at the wrong time…"

Kim give out a tilted expression, what does Uma Micheal mean by that? But Uma Micheal continued, she answered Kim inner question.

"During her visit during the two countries, they got caught into a cross fire… where she lost her brother due to an unexpected explosion…" Uma Micheal froze for a bit but continued.

"Her brother exploded in her very eye… she didn't have time to mourn his death, all she could do was run, and runs, and runs while holding the last remaining part of her brother… his arm.. I saw it when she find my hiding place… where I had lost my whole family…"

Kim mouth open up, but no words came out, he don't know what to say, he don't know how to reassure Uma Micheal, all he can do was lay there and listen, eyes filled with horror yet sadness toward Filo Noa.

"Filo find my hiding spots, during that time.. I was afraid of being near people… I was startle that she was here… but when we locked eye, I saw her crying, on her lap was her brother arm… she was covered in blood but once she saw that I was scare… once she find out that I was afraid of her, she stop crying, rubbing her tears away and… let out a heartfelt smile…"

"Then she hugged me… tightly, assuring that we are going to be safe, we are going to live through this… but I can feel her voice shaking every time she spoke… I could feel her hug shaking but we just hug eachother tightly wishing for this war to end…" Kim was covering his face as tears rolled down to his chin.

"After a couple of days of starving… [The War Of The Great Tech] had finally ended… the peoples find us under rubble of debris… they took us to the nearby medical center. We were finally saved but… since I had lost my family, I have nowhere to call home… I was about to go to the orphanage until she took me in… as her new younger sister…"

Kim couldn't said anything, she didn't know anything about Filo Noa but that fact that she was happily at him to comfort him when he was lost… the fact that he knows about her past without her knowing… guilt and sorrow was showing on his face.

"I'm guessing what she meant during that time was that since you look like her younger brother…"

"Y-younger brother in me?…"

"She saw her younger brother in you… from what I heard from her, you both look and act alike. I think that's what she meant when she said she doesn't want to "lose" you again…"

Kim don't know what to say, he feel guilty… sad for Filo Noa and mad at himself for knowing her past from someone else. He said to Uma Micheal, "I-I'm so sorry for asking…"

Kim was tearing up, Uma Micheal and the boy can hear the guilt and sadness in his voice, it was trembling.

"Don't be!" Uma Micheal said, reassuring Kim. "I was the one that tell you everything…

"I should be sorry for telling you this"

Kim shakes his head repeatedly.

"No-no… I have bring it up… I should be sorry!"

Kim couldn't do anything but stares up at the sky, he peered over at the sun hoping that it had evaporated his tears away…


The three of them finally made their way to the bunker, the bunker was huge and made out of steel, barrages of weapons was surrounding the place, there was camera with laser pointing everywhere. It was the most safest thing Kim had ever seen.

"Woah!!!" Kim say in a surprised yet excited voice. He glanced at the metal box that was a speaker.

A speaker could be heard as they got closer, it asked them to identify themselves. After a few minutes of talking, they were allowed entry… They were instantly surrounded by the guards protecting the citizens, the guards showed them where the safe room was.

All of the people that were in the safe room looked at them… they peered over Kim messed up body.

Once people realized that it was Kim, they walked up to him and thank him, thanking him for saving their loved ones, Kim were surprised and asked them what they were talking about, the citizens of Andra told Kim about his heroic deeds he did when he wandering around the streets.

"Gosh.. I'm embarrassed!" Kim said all flusterly, he never heard this much thanks in his life before, much less toward him.

"No thank you for saving my mother!"

"Thank you for saving my grandmother!"

"Thank you for saving my brother!"

Everywhere Kim looked, the people of Andra cheers his name and started calling him a hero.

What seem to be a happy moments for Kim isn't… he still feel guilty about knowing Filo Noa past without her knowing.

Kim begin to look for Filo Noa, it didn't take long. There he saw her in the corner of the room, she locked eye with him and run up to him.

"K-Kim?" She said all worriedly, her voice and expression was in distress.

"Hey…" Kim said.

Kim could hear the distress in Filo Noa voice, he begin to ask her what's wrong.

"I lost Uma!" She told him while tears running down her face.

"I can't find her!!!" She continued. Kim give her a comfort smile before pointing at where Uma Micheal was.


Uma Micheal popped up behind Kim mess up body, she has this guilty yet cunning smirk on her face, without her knowing. Filo Noa run up to hug Uma Micheal.

"Where were you?!!?!" Uma Micheal could tell that Filo Noa was worried about her.

Uma Micheal didn't said anything, all she did was stared at Filo Noa and hugged her back.

"I'm sorry.. Sis…"

"Don't ever… leave me again…" Filo Noa said while tightening her hugged, her arms wrapped around Uma Micheal. Before Uma Micheal could said anything, Filo Noa let out one word that froze Uma Micheal.


Uma Micheal stood there, guilt begin to show on her face… she was beginning to tear up while saying to Filo Noa.

"I won't…!"

Kim watches as the two sister comfort one another, he was already tearing up at this sight until he felt a hand holding his hand.

It was the kid he had save, he had asked of Kim is he was fine. Kim rubs his tear away, he know that he shouldn't make the kid worry for him so he put on a brave face.

"Yea… I'm fine!" Kim smile at the kid, reassuring him that he is going to be fine because of him.

The kid smile back, the kid wholesome smile got rids of Kim sorrow a bit. He pats the kid head and thanks him for making him feel better.

Kim tears was still gradually rolling down but the kid wholesome smile and handholding slow it down a bit.