Chapter 33. Eternal Nightmares (2)

In the middle of having a conversation with Vas Allen while the two kids playing in the background, I heard my mom yelling.

"Kim and his friends, the foods is ready!"

"Coming!" Kim yelled out. Kim looked toward Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal is they were hungry. Luc Mugen cutely nodded his head while Uma Micheal for a moment didn't respond to Kim.

"Yea, sure, why not?" She said. Luc Mugen overheard this and said. "Uma, it was a yes or no question…" this shocked both Kim and Uma Micheal, though it didn't last for Uma Micheal as she was smiling.

"When did you get this sassy Luc? I'm loving it." Luc Mugen titled his head in confusing, he didn't understand what Uma Micheal meant, her smile didn't last long however—

"Nevermind…" she said. Kim chucking told them to go downstairs but before they do, Vas Allen told them to wash their hand first.

After washing their hand in the sink, Uma Micheal was the first one to go downstairs, Luc Mugen followed her but before going down, he looked back and asked if Kim was going to come as well.

"Yea, I'll be right there in a bit, just go ahead." He said with a smile, Luc Mugen nodded and went downstairs.

Looking at Vas Allen, Kim asked if her was hungry which Vas Allen said yes. The two of them walked out of Kim room's, Vas Allen went downstairs while Kim was looking at his room one last time and went downstairs.

Kim walked down the stairs, passing the hallway, making his way to the dinner room. He stood in front of the door, grabbing the doorknob and opening it, he saw Luc Mugen sitting next to his dad while Uma Micheal was sitting next to his mom.

There was an open chair between Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal, sitting across the chair was Vas Allen.

Kim walked toward the chair, pull it back lightly and sits on it, pushing himself a bit foward to his own comfort.

"Mom, the food here looked good!" Kim said.

"Thank you! Uma Micheal also help with the cooking so you should also thank her as well." Kim glanced over at Uma Micheal who was embarrass, "I dabbled a little in cooking…" she said.

"Nonsense, you were cooking just like an expert!" Kim's mom said. Making Uma Micheal happy while also making her face turn slightly red.

"Enough talking and more feasting!!!" Kim dad said, his overly high personality was shown in front of everyone. The mere thought of food would get him super happyyyy.

"You're right dad." Kim said, he reach out for the steaks, which was well done. He topped it with his mom secret sauce which is a mystery but it's so good.

The moment he took a bite of his mom cooking, he froze in nostalgia. Little drops of tear came beaming down his face. Kim mom asked him what's wrong.

"It's good…" Kim said wiping the tear away. "I haven't tasted your homemade cook in months… and it's as good as the last time I remember it!" He took another bite of the steak.

"I'm so sorry mom, dad! I'm sorry for making you worry! I'm sorry for-" before Kim could finish his sentence. His mom put her hand on his shoulder, Kim looked at her who was smiling at him.

"Kim. It's okay, you shouldn't be sorry. You should be happy, because after finding you, we are fill with joy!" Kim wipe away the tear that was gradually falling down. Kim mom continued,

"Kim we are happy you are safe and we only ask you for one thing, be happy, live long and live life with no regrets!" Hearing this words, Kim stood up from his seats, his mom did the same and walked toward Kim, gently she raised both of her arm and went to hug Kim.

Kim dad followed as they enter a group hug. "I'm so sorry for being a bad son!" Kim cried out. "Kim, you're not a bad son, you are our joy!" Kim mom said.

"I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations, because Kim Mugen… [The Golden Child With Infinte Potential.] I have none…" Kim said.

"Kim, we just want you to have the best of life, expectations? Who care about that? We just want you to live a happy long life." Kim dad cried out.

This moments, Kim felt as it was real, seeing his parents cried in front of him, he felt as if their touch were real, their presence, their emotions, their words.

For a moment, he felt if Vas Allen, Luc Mugen, Uma Micheal and his parents were actually real during that very moments.

Kim wishes that, these happy moments would last forever, he wanted to stay in this world… however—

The happy moments didn't last for long…

"Kim are you okay now?" Kim dad asked. Kim nods and apologizes for being down the moods. Vas Allen reassured him that's it's normal to have emotions like this, Luc Mugen went up and grab Kim hand, he placed it on top of his own head and said.

"Everytime you patted my head, you alway do it with a smile! So please smile!" Luc Mugen said.

Kim nodded, he heard Uma Micheal told him, "Kim, cheer up, I don't like seeing my family member crying…" Kim parents heard this but didn't ask, in fact they didn't mind it.

A moments of heartfelt silence with then burst into a happy moment for those that was in that very room. A memory in which they will never forget.

After dinner, they get ready for bed, they didn't realize how much time have passed since coming to Kim home, it went by fast they thought.

"We got here since the morning… and now it's nighttime, what a day." Kim thought. Kim felt someone tugging on his arm, he looked to see it was Luc Mugen.

"Kim, can I sleep with you?" He said with an adorable expression, waiting for Kim to respond.

"Yea, you may." Kim said with a smile. Luc Mugen was in joy, he looked over at Uma Micheal and asked if she wanted to sleep with them.

"You know what, since you're asking, why not!" She said.

"I'm don't think my bed going to fit all three of us…" Kim thought. "I'll guess after they sleep, I'll just get up slowly and sleep on the couch near my bed."

Vas Allen went up to Kim and asked him where he was going to sleep, Kim jokely told him to sleep outside but seeing as Vas Allen wasn't laughing, he apologized and told him to wait while he set up a futon on the floor in his room.

Before sleeping, Kim parent went up to Kim room and told him and his friends. "Have a good night and tomorrow, lets celebrate Kim return." They repeated with, "Good night once again!" And left.

Kim were embarrassed but he was happy, happy to see his parents and was happy to have a sleepover with his friends, he turn off the light and laid on his bed which barely have enough space for him.

He lied there, after a moment of talking with Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal, the two kid doved off. Kim slowly got up from his bed, covered the two kid with the blanket and sat on the couch.

Vas Allen was still a awake, there the two talks for a moments before Vas Allen told Kim that he was going to sleep. Kim agree and told Vas Allen that he should also sleep as well. Kim lay flat on his back onto the couch, looking up at the dark ceiling.

"I wish these days would last forever, even though it's fake… it feel real to me and I feel as if I want to stay here…" He said as he started to slowly doze off, his eyes slowly close and the last thing he sees before going to sleep was the dark ceiling.