Chapter 39. Yuriel?

The morning sun set rise as the bird chirps amongst one another, the sunlight reign over the terrain of the lands, brightening it. The moon rose down toward the other side of the world, ready to do its job once again.

*Yawn* Kim got up from his spot, stretching his arms all the way up the air, he stands up and slowly rotate his hips to the right then gradually made his way to his left side.

"What a lovely day today is, the birds are chirping, flowers are blooming~" Kim said those words as he was singing. He looked at the kids to see them still sleeping peacefully.

"Look like someone in good mood today!" Vas Allen said while steering the horse, Kim looked at him as he haven't slept yet, there was eye bags under his eyes and his body was sluggish, his voice also sound tired.

"Vas, did you sleep at all?" Kim asks in concern. "No, I was too busy making our ways to the destination, I was planning to sleep there once we get there." Vas Allen replied back with a tired smile.

"Vas… nope you need to sleep!" Kim said as he made his way over to Vas that was sitting on box seat out at front. "Vas, c'mon, you look like your someone who just die, also don't you think Barbella need to take a break?" Kim asked.

"Just a few minutes once til we get there, then I will sleep also don't underestimate Barbella, she could go on forever!" Vas Allen said while looking at Barbella, "Ain't that right!" Vas Allen asks the horse.

"Neighhh!" She scoffed at Vas Allen and continued to walk.

"See, I told you! Perfectly good." Vas Allen said. Uma Micheal was the second person to wake up, "What's all the commotion going on?" She asks while rubbing her eyes.

"Oops, sorry for waking you up." Kim said while looking at Uma Micheal, it look like she woke up due to Kim and Vas Allen conversation.

"It's all good!" Said Uma Micheal as she yawn and begins to get up, she stretch's a little before coming to where Kim is. She looked at Vas Allen and saw that he was severely tired.

"Woah, Vas… you're looking a bit… ah nevermind, look like you haven't slept yet!" Uma Micheal said, Vas Allen turned his head to looked at Uma Micheal. "You think?" He said with jokingly tone. "Well thanks to me, we're about to reach the next town!"

Kim looks at them and smile, he looked ahead and his smile fade away, it turned to a horror expression.

Vas Allen saw Kim expression and asks what's wrong. Kim without making eye contact with Vas Allen pointed out at front of the carriage and said, "Is that how the town is supposed to look like?"

Vas Allen turned his head back at the front, "What are you talkin-" before he could finish whatever he was about to say, his mouth widen and his eyes filled with terror.

A red and yellow lights reflected off of the carriage and to both Kim and Vas Allen eyes. Ahead of them was a town filled with fire, they saw as the fire spread throughout the town burning everything it touches.

"What- what's going on?" Kim said with fear in his voice, his voice was trembling. Vas Allen didn't answer, he grabs the reins and signal Barbella to get closer to the town.

"Why does this always happen?" Uma Micheal murmured before walking to Luc Mugen and waking him up.

"Vas, could you use water magic to get rids of the fire?" Kim asks hurriedly.

"I'm already on that!" Vas Allen said while casting out a large amount of water out of thin air, he launched it toward the town but before the water reaches it, it reflected back at the groups, showering them with cold water.

"What's just happen?" Kim ask, he looks at Vas Allen waiting for an answer. "It look like there some type of force field surrounding the town." Kim continue.

"It's— a magic neglect field."Vas Allen said in horror, Kim looked at him and asked what that is.

"So you're telling me it neglect magic? As in all type of magics?" Kim said, sweats beam down his face as he begins to worry, "How will we stop the fire then?"

"I… it's okay, I think. Hopefully it only be able to neglect water magic…" vas Allen said trying to calm Kim down.

"What do you mean?" Kim ask Vas Allen.

"A magic neglect field is what it sound like, it neglect magic within certain range, making it unuseable. But it almost only neglect certain type of magics or if we're lucky, just water magic." Kim stares at Vas Allen.

"But what if it able to neglect all types of magic? Also is the field like the one where we can't enter once it been put up?" Vas Allen upon hearing this shakes his head.

"In theory, it's possible for the field to be able to neglects all type of magic but…" Kim tilted his head a little, "But?" Kim say.

"You would need to have lot of preparation and have to literally bend "magic" itself to achieve that!" Kim was more confused then ever, he looked at Vas Allen with a weird and confuse expression. "Also Kim, you really don't know much about magic huh?" Vas Allen asked.


"To be able to stop a person from entering a certain place, you would have to use dark magic, I only heard it from my grandfather story but don't actually know myself." Kim have so many information coming into his mind, he didn't know how to react.

"Dark magic— is it like normal magic but stronger?" Kim asked, Vas Allen turned his head toward Kim and said, "I don't know much about dark magic but all I know is that, it was created by the [Demon King] so it's practically impossible to get it."

Kim stared Vas Allen right into his eyes, "Do you think… it was the "Sins" that caused this?" Vas Allen looked back at the town which fire have raged even more.

"It most possibly could've been." Vas Allen said. Barbella ran closer to the town, carrying Kim group, upon reaching closer to the town, screams and cries can be heard throughout the town. Kim saws that the people was crying for their homes, their loved one, and their lives.

Barbella stops outside of the town, not wanting to enter it. "It look like she doesn't want to enter!" Kim screamed out. Vas Allen got up from the box seat and patted the horse head, "it's okay girl, you did good, just stay here for a bit." Vas Allen said running toward the burning town, Kim followed up behind him alongside Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal.

"Shouldn't you kids be staying at the carriage?" Kim asked looking at the two kids.

"It would be easier for us to help more people." said Uma Micheal, Luc Mugen nodded to what Uma Micheal just say.

Before Kim can say anything else, he saw a couple of people stuck inside of the burning rubbles. "Luc!" He called out, Luc Mugen set up barriers around the people that were trapped, Vas Allen destroyed the rubble with earth magic.

The people thanks Kim and his groups, Kim asked the people if they know how this have happen.

At first, the people were silent until one person step foward and said, "It was the cults, they- they talked about how they were going to free this world by collecting our souls…"

"So they begins to burn down the whole town?" Kim ask, the person that steps foward nodded. Kim told them to get to a safe place and all of them ran toward where Kim group have entered in. Kim asked Uma Micheal and Luc Mugen to follow them to make sure they get there safely.

At first both Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal refused but seeing Kim worried face, Uma Micheal sighed and rubbed her hair. "Fine! But don't you dare die!" Uma Micheal said before running to the people, Luc Mugen looked at Kim and Kim patted his head and told him that he is going to be safe, reassuring Luc Mugen. Luc Mugen followed behind Uma Micheal and Kim sees the two kids running off in a distance.

Kim looked at Vas Allen, they locked eyes. "Couldn't you use wind magic to exhaust all of the fire?" Kim asked of Vas Allen.

Vas Allen shakes his head and told Kim, "If it a normal fire I would, but since it's a someone else magic's, I shouldn't…" Kim tilted his head at Vas Allen, "Why?" Kim asked.

"Because fire magic is stronger than normal fire, that person told us it was from a cultist, probably a high magic users at that, if I were to gust away the fire with wind, it might spread even more." Vas Allen said while looking around to see if there any more person that needed help.

"Like a… wildfire?" Kim said softly, Vas Allen stares at Kim and nods his head.

"Haiyaaa!!!" A female voice could be heard in the near distance catching both Kim and Vas Allen attention. Kim looked at Vas Allen and ask if he also hear that, Vas Allen nod his head and look back at the direction the voice came from.

Vas Allen was the first one to walked toward the voice, Kim grabs his arm trying to stop him, but Vas Allen told him it's okay and continued to walk toward the voice. Kim hesitantly followed behind Vas Allen.

As Kim and Vas Allen got closer to the voice, they could hear someone said, "You bastard." The voices could heard caming from the corner of a burning building.

Vas Allen turned his head around the corner, he saw a girl standing on top of a man wearing some strange clothes. The girl raised her hand into the air, she clenches her hand into a fist ready to pound down on the guy.

"Stop!" Vas Allen came out from hiding, he put up powerful magic spell, the spells floated in the air, waiting to be casted.

"Leave that man alone!" Vas Allen said while he threating to launch his magic spells at her. "You're the one behind this, aren't you?" Vas Allen ask.

The girl froze for a second before locking eyes with Vas Allen, the girl's attention then went to Kim that pop up behind Vas Allen back's.

Upon closer looks, Kim notice the girl having glimmering black hair, her skin was rosy and lustrous, her eyes resemble of a pretty sparkling amethyst.

"What do we have here, two more of you guys show up?" The girl said with a grin on her face. "It doen't matter, you will be defeated in the hand of Yuriel!" The girl lunges right passed Vas Allen and toward Kim, ignoring and shocking Vas Allen.

"Y-Yuriel?" Kim shouted out before his body falls down to the ground, Yuriel place her right foot on Kim chest. "Don't wear it out, after all that's the last name you will ever remember!" She said with a devious grin.