Ziggy Where Are You?

"I haven't seen Ziggy around for a few days," Fara said as she walked into Nindy's café, the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee wrapping around her like a warm hug.

Nindy, busy behind the counter, raised an eyebrow and smirked. "It's still morning, sweetheart."

"Yeah, I know! That's why I came here to order coffee," Fara shot back, rolling her eyes.

"And to complain," Nindy teased, pouring steaming coffee into a cup and sliding it across the counter to Fara.

Fara pouted, her lips forming a perfect little "O."

It was true, she hadn't seen Ziggy at the office lately, and while she tried to convince herself she wasn't worried, a small part of her felt a twinge of concern. Where was he?

"Why don't you just ask Bonita?" Nindy suggested, taking a seat across from her and cradling a tray in her arms.

"Bonita? And then what? I'll have to explain why I'm asking about Ziggy, and then what do I say?" Fara replied, exasperated.