The week passed away . On the Saturday irt rained. A soft Tedd vthe held of the time. In one of the intervel Gudrun and Ursula set out of a walk going to ward in the valley. The atmosphere wew grey and transculaent. The bird sang sharply on the young things . The earth would be quickening and hastening unt the atmosphere. The girls walked vswifkly gladely before becoming the because of the softer subtle Mortimer of the morning that vfilled the wet haze. Bybthe road black thorn is a blossom white vand wet it is the tiny tamberv grains the fire ot the smoke of blossom. Purple twinkle is are darkely numinous in the gray air high edged glows like women in the shadow how ever you come in to the creator of the morning was full of a new creation. When the sisters came to the valley water like that lake was grey and visionary steering in to a moist and transculaent visita of the in the meadows. The fine electric activity in the sound came from the dumbles below be the road the birds piping one against the other and the water mysterious plashing issue from bthe lake water.

Suddenly from the boats house a white figure ran out frightened in his swift tranship freight accross the old the landing slape stage. If she hoped it launched in a white arc through in a air ther was bursting of the water and among the air smooth ripples of a swimmer was making out the the space. In the centre of the fertility having motion. The whole other world wervand remote he had to him self . He could move in to the pure transulancy of the grey un creating water. Gudrun stood by the stone wall and watching . How I am envy him .he said cruelly. Yes but good how really fine to swim ou her . The sisters stood watching the swimmer move further in to a the grey moist full space of the water pulsing with his own small in vading motion and arched over with mist and dim woods. Do not wish you it were you? asked Gudrun looking at Ursula. I will do said Ursula . But iam not sure it is so wet. When I saw nothing else merely emphasized by mistake and the light of his sister and his watching me narrowly escaped I was born on the bank and having nothing to be the blackest treachery to the room swiftly examined by mistake please contact the same creation of the day. No said Gudrun reluctantly . She stood waiting and watching the motion on twb blossom of the water. As if dmfacinatesv he swim facing certain distance turned round was swimming on his backing looking back ward water at rmthe two girls by the wall. In the faint wash of motion they could see his ruddy face and could him watching them. And she stood motionless glazing over the water at the face washed up down and on the flood as he swam in the lake. From his seperate element he saw them and exult to him self because of his own advantage his possession of the world him self. He was immune and perfect . He Love his virgin thrusting motion and the violent impulse of every cold water against his limbs buying him up. He could see the girls watching him way of out side of the and that please them him. He lifted his arms from the water in sign to them. He is waving said Ursula. Yes replied Gudrun . They watched him. He waved again with a strange moment of recognition of it. Accross the difference and like a Niblekung laughed Ursula. Gudrun said nothing only stood still looking over the water.

Gerald suddenly turned and swimming was swiftly witba side stroke. He was alone now alone and immune in the middle of the water . Which he held all to him self, he excited in his isolation in the element in question and un condioned. He was happy. Thrusting with his legs and all his body with out bound before or connection anybwere just him self in the waters world. There was nothing else merely emphasized that you have to make a swimmer was making the most important words of spaces and their various characteristics. There was nothing where you have been trained as well there is nothing else except the same spirit him self his small back figures in the morning rushing figures in the morning rushing figures of drawing.

The sisters went the home again to read and talk and work and wait for Monday. For school Ursula often what else she waited for . Beside the Beginning and the school day was drawing upon the impression that we can do you have been turned out of the house and drink water and milk and he was about ninetye and the light of the day. Gudran looked up at the same spirit him self his small back figures sister was reading but it had been given to the bedroom whence he merge with a hissing sound of the drawing. There all so playing the ugly Dickinson and he was about to be the blackest treachery will cause you have been trained for a moment later supreme court announced of the day jewel you have been trained as Ursula stitched and Gudrun went to work with me and murmuring and he was about ninetye and he was about the Ursula features which is the best way to hear it. Ursula often the window and wondered off to look she waited for the inhabitants of the house begging and end of school weeks ago she was considering the same time. And the begging of the school time end of the holidays . This was a whole life some time she had periods of tight horror. There was nothing else merely emphasized fufdtun Gudrun was drawing upon the impression that you were looking at the moment of recognition of it and then harried on the bank and the whole party swam to the room and the whole party swam together with the friends in the holidays. When she said the Gudrun for marrying the class mates ig to the love of the house of a little bit about the either pole is the use the robots to using the same spirit of the house and class room. Whe he draws a woman photo graph which is his lover and Ursula is find them for a while she ran to the classroom. When she looked beautiful creatures against the roof and the light. This was a whole life theybare also bussy inthe play ugly thinking cried Ursula with mocking daughter laugher. And I don't know the feeling at rmthe humbly and pathetic ugly ducking. I deal feel like a swan among them . I can't help it . They make in help me and I don't care that they think one . This was whole life some time she thinks she has period of regular hardly. When it oasxaseems like her that her life would be pass away and the but she never really accepted it. Her spirit was acting her life a short that is growing steadily but which has not come above ground.