Entity: Iota!



[The vortex contracts sharply, dragging both Ecto and Saifur into a void-like rift. The energy dissipates with a deafening crack, leaving behind nothing but scorched earth where they once stood. Hound stumbles forward, reaching out as if he could stop what just happened.]

ILLEGAL HOUND: Saifur! No... NO!

[Saifur was taken somewhere by ECTO through the portal]

[As he landed, he looked around, trying to process his surroundings. The air was heavy, and an eerie echo of ECTO's voice lingered. Saifur stumbled, falling to the ground. The surface wasn't soft or grassy—it was barren and lifeless. The soil felt dry, and the dead grass underfoot crackled with every movement. Above him, the sky glowed red, casting an ominous light on everything.]

[As he stood, SAIFUR noticed the ice sword he carried was nearly shattered. Its edges were dull, and cracks ran through the blade. But he didn't care. He was too focused on finding ECTO. Looking the surroundings, he tensed as a whisper came from behind.]

ECTO: Looking for me?

[Without hesitation, Saifur spun and swung his sword. ECTO raised a hand, and suddenly, the sword's force reversed. The blade couldn't withstand the pressure and shattered into fragments, scattering at SAIFUR's feet. He glared at ECTO, fists clenched in frustration.]

[Saifur didn't hesitate. He lunged and punched ECTO square in the face, forcing him back a few steps. Yet, ECTO didn't attack back. That only made Saifur more confused as he stood there, breathing heavily.]

SAIFUR: Why aren't you fighting back?

[ECTO rubbed his jaw, pausing before speaking. His tone was calm, almost resigned.]

ECTO: I don't want to fight you, Saifur. Of all people, not you.


[ECTO glanced at the desolate landscape surrounding them. His voice softened.]

ECTO: Even I don't know where we are right now... But one thing I know for sure that we must not be here, it's a hell.

[Before ECTO could finish, SAIFUR shot a gust of wind toward him, trying to throw him off balance. ECTO barely flinched, maintaining his posture with ease.]

ECTO: Woah, calm down!

[But SAIFUR wasn't done. His anger boils over as he complains about him using Revival Leaf on himself.]

SAIFUR: Why are you doing all this?! If you died, you died! That's how it works! Why did you come back at all?

[ECTO opened his mouth to reply, but SAIFUR didn't let him speak.]

SAIFUR: If you hadn't returned, we'd have revived Steller by now! None of this would be happening!

[ECTO tried to interject, but SAIFUR wasn't listening.]


[ECTO's voice rose as he cut him off.]

ECTO: Enough! Give me a chance to speak!!!

[SAIFUR glared but said nothing, his fists still tight.]

ECTO: We don't have time for this right now!

[He pointed toward a massive entity in the distance. It floated in the air, its single eye glowing ominously. Long black hair streamed around it like a dark veil, and its deep roar made the ground tremble.

[The very sight of it sent chills down SAIFUR's spine, he had never something like that in his entire life, not to mention, he had no idea how to fight it, he frightfully looks at ECTO, who also had a serious look on his face, it didn't seem like ECTO was looking for a fight with that very entity, he, in low-voice whispers:

ECTO (whispering): Saifur… Follow me. Don't make a noise. And whatever you do, don't look at its eye.

[SAIFUR swallowed hard, calming his breathing as he followed ECTO. The lifeless surroundings made every step feel more ominous, and the distant rumbling of the creature only added to the tension. SAIFUR glanced at ECTO, noticing the sweat on his brow and his stiff movements. Trying to break the tension, SAIFUR gave him a small push.]

[ECTO stumbled slightly and turned with a glare, while grabbing SAIFUR shirt's collar.]

ECTO (hissing): Are you trying to get us killed?!

SAIFUR: Relax. Just trying to lighten the mood.

[SAIFUR wanted things to be less tense, he's looking for a positive approach to get out of there, so, he said:

SAIFUR: For now… Let's team up… until we reach the exit… Speaking of it… Where is it?

[ECTO nods when SAIFUR asked for alliance & told him about the exit:

ECTO: Okay… Let me blunt about one thing, we're in a tight situation.

ECTO: To get out of here, we need to make that entity close his eye, in that moment, a portal will open there * he points at the cliff, a bit far from them * , If we look into its eye, we'll fall under the illusion, & trust me, it's not recommended…

[SAIFUR gulps as both of them moved cautiously toward the cliff that ECTO pointed out earlier. SAIFUR smirked and deliberately stepped on the heel of ECTO's shoe, scuffing it. ECTO shot him a furious look.]

ECTO (thinking): I'm going to kill him once we're out of this.

[ECTO wanted to get back at SAIFUR as well, so, he turned and screamed at the spot SAIFUR stood moments ago. The creature's head snapped toward them. SAIFUR froze as its massive eye locked onto him. But ECTO was already using his powers to shift his gravity toward the cliff. SAIFUR gritted his teeth and used his wind speed to follow.]

[They reached the cliff almost at the same time. SAIFUR glared at ECTO, his frustration boiling over.]

SAIFUR: Are you seriously laughing?!

[ECTO smirked & mimics his words:

ECTO: I'm just trying to lighten up the mood.

[SAIFUR wanted to punch ECTO right into his mocking face, but he had realized that he started it, so he controls himself.]

[The massive creature—its name now revealed as "Iota"—hovered ominously in the distance. SAIFUR briefly took notice of the name but focused on the situation. ECTO turned serious again.]

ECTO: Here's the plan. We need to make it close its eye. That will open a portal near the cliff. But if you look at its eye, even for a second, I don't know what will really happen, but, you will bear the risk of dying. Got it?

[SAIFUR didn't reply, only nodded. As Ecto explained further, SAIFUR kept glancing toward Iota, his body tense. As soon as ECTO explained the plan, at the final part, SAIFUR asks ECTO in disdain:


[ECTO giggles as his voice hesitates:

ECTO: Well, that's the main part, you need to trust me, without that, I don't think we'll both be able to get out of there.

[SAIFUR reminds him of the events he caused to make him realize that it's so not easy to trust him:

SAIFUR sarcastically & snapped: Oh yeah? Well, my cousin lost my hand thanks to you! I just couldn't revive my other cousin, Thanks to you! I just got my cousin's body slashed, THANKS TO YOU! YOU ARE THE LAST PERSON I SHOULD TRUST!

[SAIFUR huffs as he says, ECTO stood still, he had realized that it will not be easy to convince SAIFUR to trust him that easily, so, he said, cold-heartedly:

ECTO: If I betray you, I'll let you kill me, I won't stop you...

[SAIFUR, stunned by his proposal, hesitates, because, he has never killed anyone, even though he was determined to behead him just a few moments ago, now that he's returned to his senses, he stands by his convictions, to keep up with the offer, he reluctantly replies:

SAIFUR: Well, Killing is too far, I'll not kill you, rather, I'll abandon you here.

[ECTO scoffs as he listens to SAIFUR trying to act tough, SAIFUR punches him right in the face for laughing, but, ECTO doesn't fight back, he was giggling even more than before.]

SAIFUR: What's so funny about this?!

[ECTO seemed like he was genuinely enjoying SAIFUR's company, but SAIFUR didn't have the luxury to take notes of such details, rather, the only thing roaming in his mind was getting back as soon as he can, so that HOUND stops worrying about him. And so, SAIFUR decides to carry out the plan, while letting ECTO know frustratingly.]

[SAIFUR crept towards his position & climbed to a higher point of cliff.]

[He looks at ECTO just to make sure that he is ready, he nods.]

[He yelled loudly, drawing Iota's attention. Its speed increased dramatically as it zeroed in on him. Saifur quickly dove into a nearby pond, holding his breath as Iota neared.]

[While Iota hovered above the water, Ecto, who was hiding in nearby bushes of thorns, used his power to slam the creature into the ground, forcing its eye shut. The portal began to form near the cliff.]


[Matching the timing, SAIFUR swiftly made a run out of pool, as to avoid being crushed under iota, but as he surfaced, he saw Ecto moving toward the portal—alone, seeing that, he shouts out loudly at him:


[SAIFUR pushed his wind speed to the limit, rushing toward the portal. But ECTO turned back with a smirk on his mocking face.]


[SAIFUR froze, stunned. Before he could process it, ECTO vanished through the portal, and it closed behind him. Saifur stood there, his fists trembling with frustration. He turned back to see Iota rising again, its massive eye now locked on him, it's pupil completely dilated in black, with numerous red veins in white portion.]

[The ground around Iota cracked and hissed with pressure, and the air felt like it was being pulled toward the massive creature. Saifur stared at the creature, the faint echo of ECTO's mocking voice ringing in his ears. He mutters under his breath:

SAIFUR: I wouldn't even call this a betrayal.

[His expression hardened as he locked his gaze on Iota. He closed his eyes, his body unfazed by the encroaching danger. When he opened them again, one pupil had turned a glowing green—emblazoned with a wind logo that seemed like a gust of wind. The power within him surged, causing the air around him to ripple violently against the pulling force of iota, forming a sharp-wind blade at the tip of his hand, he says under his breath:

SAIFUR (coldly): Close its eye, huh?

[With renewed determination, SAIFUR took a deep breath, he prepared to face Iota alone.]