If You Stand, So Shall I

"Hell yeah! Take that, you bastard!" Leo jumps in excitement.

"They got him!" Nicolas shouts.

Nitin doesn't hear him, as he's completely focused on the Velocirian that devoured Travis.

The Velocirian's mouth still holds Travis's hand, dangling grotesquely. When it spots Nitin, it flies toward him at full speed.

"Bring it on, you bastard!" Nitin gets ready.

Nicolas, standing a little farther away, notices something alarming. A Gravash is charging toward Nitin as well.

"Hey, Nitin, look out!" Nicolas yells, running toward him.

The Velocirian tries to grab Nitin with its claws, but Nitin leaps onto its neck. Before it can retaliate, Nitin lands an enhanced punch on its neck, sending it crashing to the ground. Nitin hears a noise and freezes in shock.

"Shit! I was too reckless," Nitin mutters, standing over the fallen Velocirian like a statue.

The Gravash is about to bite him, but Nicolas rushes in, punching the creature with all his strength.

"Hey, thanks. I owe you another," Nitin says, turning to Nicolas.

"You idiot! Stay sharp," Nicolas scolds, readying himself again.

"Help! Livio, save me!" Ivo screams, struggling as a Velocirian carries him away.

Livio charges straight at the Velocirian before it can fly too high. He covers his body with PBV and goes in for a punch.

The Velocirian turns, blocks, and pushes Livio back with its wings. Livio crashes into a tree, which falls on top of him.

The Velocirian lands on the ground, holding Ivo in its fangs, spreading its wings like a predator showing off its catch. Meanwhile, chaos ensues as the remaining Velocirian pursue the others.

"Damn it! Am I not strong enough?" Livio growls. He pushes the tree off himself and readjusts his PBV. "Wait a minute…... the rock I destroyed!"

Livio channels 80% of his PBV into his right fist and the remaining 20% throughout his body. He sprints toward Ivo, grabbing a rock along the way. The Velocirian notices him.

Livio hurls the rock. The Velocirian raises its shield to block it. When it lowers the shield, Livio is gone.

Before the Velocirian can react, Livio leaps onto its neck from behind. As it turns to retaliate, Livio delivers a devastating punch to its neck, killing it.

Ivo falls to the ground, free at last. "Thank you, Livio," he sobs, hugging Livio tightly.

Dimitri and Levente are being chased by two Velocirian. Livio spots them.

"Run, Ivo! I'm going to save Dimitri and Levente!" Livio shouts, ready to leave.

"No! Please don't go! I'm begging you," Ivo pleads, clinging to Livio.

"You idiot! They're going to die if I don't help. Let me go!" In desperation, Livio pushes Ivo to the ground.

As Livio moves to leave, his legs suddenly freeze in place. "What the...…? Why can't I move? It feels like someone's grabbing my legs!"


"Hey, Dimitri, the shoes we gave Livio…... they'll work, right?" Levente sips his wine, lounging on the couch.

"Obviously! They're a special item. It doesn't matter if he's wearing armor or not—they'll activate," Dimitri laughs.

"So, when Livio gets too concerned, the shoes will lock him in place for three minutes. Since he knows PBV, he'll definitely try to save his friends. That'll be the moment his legs betray him, and he'll have to watch them die." Levente swirls his wine glass ominously.


Levente and Dimitri watch as Livio struggles, unable to move. Regret flashes across their faces.

"Hey, Levente, this was your idea! Take responsibility!" Dimitri shouts, shoving Levente toward the Velocirian.

A Velocirian swiftly grabs Levente, severing his head from his body.

"You bastard!" Livio gasps, horrified. "Move, damn it!"

Dimitri, now desperate, cries out, "Livio, please! Save me!"

Livio breaks free and launches himself toward Dimitri. But before he can reach him, two Velocirian snatch Dimitri into the air and tear him apart mid-flight.

"Nooooo!" Livio kneels in despair. A thunderous roar echoes, freezing him in fear.

Nearby, Timo is captured by a Gravash. The Gravash is joined by others.

When Livio regains control of his body, he turns toward Timo. But it's too late—Timo is ripped into four pieces by the Gravash in front of him.

"You bastards! I'm going to kill you all!" Livio roars in fury.

He springs to his feet, channeling 90% of his PBV into his fist and 10% into his body.

"Livio, please don't leave me!" Ivo screams, paralyzed with fear.

Ignoring him, Livio charges at a Gravash. He punches it with all his might, but the Gravash counters with its tail. The impact shatters the ground. Livio is hurled backward, crashing through trees and into a massive rock, which collapses on top of him.

Trapped and barely able to breathe, Livio hears Ivo's agonized scream before blacking out.

The supply troops are annihilated. Only Livio remains, buried alive. The Gravash move toward the battlefield.

The smoke clears, revealing Sebastian's group.

"What the hell?" Viktor mutters, readying himself.

"Ha! I'll give you credit for creativity," an elf sneers, protected by three Velocirian shields.

The Velocirian release their shields. Viktor glances right and yells, "Watch out, guys!"

Everyone jumps aside, but Liam doesn't react in time.

"Liam, look out!" Sebastian shouts, reaching for him.

Liam turns, only to see a giant mouth closing in. He freezes in terror.

Before the bite lands, Leo pushes Liam out of the way.

Blood sprays into the air. Liam stares in horror at his brother's severed lower body lying before him.

"Leo!" Liam's desperate scream echoes across the battlefield. Crawling to his brother, he sobs, "Leo, wake up! You can't break your promise to Mom. You're stronger than this!" He begins administering CPR to the lifeless body.

"Liam, what are you doing?" Saul moves closer.

"Can't you see? I'm saving him! He'll be fine!" Liam cries, continuing the futile CPR.

"Stop. Please, just stop," Saul pleads.

Saul senses danger. A Gravash leaps toward Liam. Saul dives to save him but loses his right leg in the process.