Newcomer [[Part 2]]

[Unknown Date, Year 1200]

[Novograd, Capital City Of Novak]

Jiho would continue his walk arriving at a pawnshop trying to sell some valuables he had on him the moment he traversed to this world, entering the shop he could only think about one thing:"Yunshul that guy surely knows alot of stuff he might just be enough for me as a starter."

"Good day, sir! What are you looking for today? Maybe a magic bracelet? Or maybe a dragon egg!" Said the pawnshop owner showing Jiho a lot of different options to buy from. "Actually I am looking to seek some of my valuables." Said Jiho as he pulled out his gun putting down on the counter, the owner definitely had never seen something like that before looking interested in this opportunity for a gold mine. "Hm...this is interesting I haven't seen this anywhere before in my entire life..what is it?" Asked the owner smiling warmly at the man standing Infront of him . "It's a device used for self defense, or killing it shoots out a metal piece from this tube." Said Jiho showing the owner how exactly it works hoping he'll get a good price for this. "Aha! I can offer you about 120 gold coins for this surely with mana trhusted inside it can be a deadly machine!" Said the owner knowing how much profit he'll make that easily if he could mass produce the mysterious item. "Alright, deal." Said Jiho, as he gave the owner the gun and taking his gold walking out of the shop.

"I got money, but I still don't know what I can do with it and I've sold my weapon..that's gonna be a problem." Thought Jiho to himself as he continued to walk exploring the capital city wondering what he'll find next in this world he would surprisingly be shocked that his next discovery was the death penalty of the House of Justice, burning on a stake till death seeing the scene before his eyes Jiho would notice Nyx, watching aswell secretly he wanted to approach her as she was definitely strong, stronger than him at least but knew it would be a bad idea as Yunshul was close by, and that guy meant real trouble if they would be found together, so Jiho only could watch terrified he might be next on that stake he knew the risks of this world, he feared this world from the moment he entered it, the time he reversed time, he was scared but couldn't do anything about it.

"It's Human nature to fear things not in your control, that's just how it is" thought Jiho to himself as he turned away from the scene walking to the exit of the capital city not wanting to stay another second in that terrifying city. He would exit through the gates and leave into the wilderness feeling a cold presence all around him

[Unknown Date, Year 1200]

[Wilderness of Novak]

As Jiho stepped outside the capital city he would fall to his knees his head pounding that time, the first time he met that otherworldy being that sent him to this world his eyes starting to become black with white pupils bleeding a dark liquid almost like crying Jiho would hit the cold ground his veins becoming dark and his face becoming pale as a white ghost, the last thing he saw being Nyx finding him at the exit.

[Unknown Date]

[Unknown Location]

Jiho would open his eyes only to find himself in a dark place, his own childhood home where his parents were brutally killed, Jiho woild shiver in fear standing up trying to believe its only a dream before he woukd feel ice cold chills all around his body as he heard a voice talking. "Missed me? Jiho Woo?" It was the same being he had met before, the higher dimensional being but now his voice was normal for some reason. "WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU FUCKER" Jiho would scream looking around the room breathing heavily. "What I want? You don't even understand...well that's good enough." The being would say revealing itself to be a mass of darkness inside a white suit flowing around the room, the atmosphere would suddenly crush Jiho and make him awake in the body of his child self.

[2013, 28Th August, Night Time]

[Woo Residence]

Jiho would open his eyes to find his legs shorter, his arms smaller, only to realise he was in his childhood, able to move freely he rushed down in the living room finding his parents watching TV, then the sound of something breaking would break the silence as Jiho rushed down the remaining stairs starting to scream about intruders but his parents just assured him it's there cat that probably broke something.

Jiho could only panic as he saw a man creeping out of the kitchen holding a knife in his right hand.

The man would rush grabbing Jiho and holding him at knife point, his parents would only try to bribe the man to leave there child alone only for them to be strangled uncouncious by the man's accomplices, the atmosphere would feel weird again crushing him, only for him to open his eyes again as the figurr floated around his aduly body.

[Unknown Date]

[Woo Residence Current state]

"You fucker..." Said Jiho as he gritted his teeth looking at the figure with immense anger. "Oh? You blame me? You're the one who murdered his parents that story about intruders was just shit you said to the police" said the figure as it stopped floating and stood Infront of Jiho seriously mocking him.

"That's bullshit you fucking monster." Screamed Jiho as he tried to punch the figure only for his arm to be completely blown off into a puddle of blood, Jiho would fall down screaming in pain crying while looking at the figure. "You had killed your parents then had the audacity to become a detective? That's messed up maaan" Said the figure continuing to mock the man before his eyes laughing until the house started to shake before the atmosphere would crush the picket dimension and send Jiho to another location.

[Unknown Date]

[White Void]

Jiho would open his eyes again, his arm healed in a white room with a bunch of treasure and weapons while noticing the figure sitting on a throne while holding a giant sword. "So what, will you fight to protect your pride or will you let me come back to my world" Said the figure as it stood up spinning the great sword between his fingers, jumping at Jiho as a sword flew towards him blocking the figure's first attack sending him flying while holding the sword in his right hand looking at the figure with a giant amount of killing intent the sword would expand into his veins uniting itself with his body as the sword became black taking the form of a katana standing up as the figure took its original form, a man with dragon wings and an open heart with dark red eyes.

"How do I use a sword...I just don't understand swinging it..." Thought Jiho to himself as he moved out of pure instinct slashing, the figure would dodge easily swinging his sword lightly decapitating Jiho before reviving him, Jiho would swing his sword again before being decapitated easily and reviving again and again, continuing to fight the figure for what seemed around ten years with advice from it getting better at his swings even learning how to feint he would be decapitated one last time before awaking in the real world.

[Unknown Date, Year 1200]

[Hospital of Novograd]

Jiho would open his eyes holding his hand upright only to realise something had been planted inside of his palm, a black tattoo resembling the word "Sword" in Korean, he would put his palm on his head before noticing he's cuffed to the bed unable to get off it, Nyx entered the room looking at Jiho while holding a plate of food before putting it onto his lap. "Eat up you were Uncouncious for two days, the hell happened to you? Said Nyx worried and confused about Jiho. "Why are you even interested in what happened to me?" Asked Jiho as he started eating his food like a wild animal. "Why? I thought about it and I wanted to invite you into my plan." Said Nyx as she crossed her arms sitting down on a visitor chair. "Plan? And what is it?" asked Jiho now intrigued. "My plan is to overthrow the country of Novak and help the suffering people." Said Nyx looking up at the ceiling before looking down again at Jiho. "I have no business helping anyone but myself." Said Jiho as he finished eating his food and looking at Nyx. "You can think about it, maybe you'll find stuff you need if you help me do itm" Said Nyx as she stood up taking the plate of food out of the room.

"If I help her I might find information on how to get back...and now..I think I have enough strength to not be a nuisance...thank you fucking dragon." Thought Jiho to himself before calling for Nyx, accepting her proposal. "Thing is, how do I get out of these cuffs?" Asked Jiho as he tried to move again but was held down by the cuffs. "Run away, that's how." Said Nyx as she summoned an elven bow destroying the cuffs with it before taking Jiho running away from the hospital.

[Unknown Date, 1200]

[Novograd, Capital City Of Novak]

The two would keep running before stopping being shocked by the sudden variable happening. "Going somewhere?" Asked Yunshul, alongside 10 soldiers of his smiling with open arms. "Yeah we're leaving any problems with it?" Said Nyx with an arrogant voice while mocking him. "Then I have a problem with that, it's dangerous outside." Said Yunshul as his smile turned into a serious face drawing his badge out of his pocket holding it like a pocket watch "Hunting Badge, Hunting Rifle!" Said Yunshul before shooting a hole into the ground as a warning shot, it couldn't even been seen and not even reacted by anyone present except Yunshul himself.

"Shit.." Thought Jiho to himself before the sign in his palm started glowing manifesting his sword. "I'll give you acces to one authority you have locked up, make it worth the time" heard Jiho in his head as his eye glowed purple for a split second walking forward challenging the tyrant, Yunshul to a one on one. "Challanrging me, huh? Fine" said Yunshul as he started walking towards Jiho as well as Jiho walking towards him face to face, Yunshul being slightly taller than him

..... To Be Continued