Maya's encounter with the corrupted beast during the relay race left an indelible mark on her perception of the world. To her, the appearance of such a monstrous entity was a grim sign of the world's possible decay.
Even if it wasn't a unique occurrence, the creature could still be a symptom of the underlying problem and a sign of doom. It was an unknown variable Maya wasn't prepared for. This revelation fuelled her determination to uncover her role as a saviour from the shadows, to protect others from the lurking dangers.
Following the unsettling incident, Maya reflected on two crucial conclusions. Firstly, she acknowledged the urgent need for information. Realizing the advantage her unique eyes provided in surveying and gathering exclusive data, she remained open to acquiring information through various means. Secondly, Maya recognized the necessity for means to confront the imminent dangers in this world, some of which demanded combat abilities — something she notably lacked.
Maya's introspection led her to understand that, even if overcome by fear of confronting such monsters directly, she could direct others in facing terrifying monsters while feigning composure for their sake. In this revelation, a person already emerged as a dependable individual who fearlessly confronted danger and fulfilled her tasks with unwavering determination.
'Elena… She is riddled with flaws, but in this area she is reliable.'
Maya saw the potential for Elena to act as her shield and spear, but a significant obstacle stood in the way — Elena's recklessness and apparent disregard for her own safety. To secure Elena as her ally, Maya recognized the need to address these underlying issues.
'However, I need to tackle one problem at a time.'
The first hurdle on her path was solving the information problem. A Prima needs to know more about the dangers she could encounter. The corrupted beast was something that caught them unprepared and she seriously lacked knowledge in combating it.
There wasn't an easy way to learn of such creatures. Until the lectures about magical creatures awaiting her in the second trimester began, Maya wasn't sure what material to use to self-study. Not to mention it wouldn't teach her about other unforeseen or unknown dangers. It was not like there was a book with the title 'Every Danger a Prima Needs to Be Prepared For'.
'I miss the internet.'
If she could only type her problems in a search engine, it would give her at least something…
'Wait… I remember Andrea mentioning something ridiculous before… Village, was it called?'
And that is how Maya suddenly found herself in front of the Charred Pavilion for a tea session with the acclaimed Village Queen. Standing before the glass pavilion, she confirmed why it was so famous for its unique appearance and why it received its nickname.
Pushing open the creaky glass door, Maya felt like she was entering the setting of a work of fiction. Reminiscent of a place where botany classes were once held, the lush vegetation of the greenhouse starkly contrasted its yellowish warped glass revealing the scars of a past incident that rendered it out of commission.
The air inside held a peculiar ambience — a blend of antique charm enriched with the fragrance of tea and a subtle hint of something lingering, a remnant of the flames that had once danced here. The upper panels of the dome, clear and shiny, stood in stark contrast to the lower ones, still blackened at the edges where they were held by the metal frame.
Maya was awed by the presumed power that cast the space into this state. With her rudimentary understanding of magic, she could conclude that this was the aftermath of a similar display of power Lady Kiana showed outside the walls only if it happened in the interior. The upper glass panes were the ones that shattered from the expanding air of the immense heat produced in an instant and had to be replaced with new ones later.
As she approached the table set for two in the centre of the room, taking in the surroundings, Maya's attention shifted to Maureen, the keeper of this peculiar haven. Even Maya didn't know her path would lead her here today, but Maureen seemed to have already been expecting her.
"Welcome, dear guest," Maureen greeted her, her tone warm as she gestured for Maya to take a seat.
Holing her vintage teapot, ready to pour tea in equally intricate cups, Maureen dressed in soft earthy tones and with her short retro curls gave out a refined air. She looked like a spectre from the past, adorned with a love for vintage accessories, and surrounded by the aroma of tea.
"I am pleased to host today's party for the illustrious Maya Watergate. I've been wanting to chat with you for a very long time now. You sure kept me waiting," she smiled joyfully.
"Oh, I didn't know you were waiting."
"Unfortunately, I can't send out personal invites for the sake of neutrality, but that doesn't mean I am not curious. Thank you for being my guest today."
Maya was overwhelmed by the warm and relaxed atmosphere, and for some reason this stranger she met for the first time today made her feel appreciated and respected. Looking at the table arrangement, Maya noticed charming decorations and among them even some artefacts on display.
There were even communication artefacts — sometimes called Telepathy Stones — that were incredibly expensive at the Articiaries store that only accepts merit points. One piece was lying by her hand. They were a set that would allow the possessor to send a mental message to the possessor of the other piece. Maya hoped Maureen wasn't overusing it since they had a known side effect of damaging your brain if used too frequently.
It seems everything was set to perfectly advertise the capabilities of her club and carefully control the mood Maureen was trying to achieve. Seeing her curiously glance around, Maureen smiled and gracefully poured warm liquid into a delicate cup, offering it to Maya.
"This is a herb named Veracillum. In folk beliefs, it is known as a truth serum," she began talking in a relaxed tone. "Oh, but don't worry. It doesn't have a strong effect. I just think it has a lovely taste. It is an excellent ice-breaker for the introductory session. Feel free to give it a taste."
Maureen poured herself some as well and took a sip to encourage Maya to try it. Maya was thankful Maureen didn't pressure Maya to drink a truth serum while simultaneously setting a scene for an open and honest discussion drinking it for herself. If the herb has any real effect in this way Maureen has declared that any information exchanged on her part would be truthful.
"I'm sure you've heard already, since you came here to find me, but let me introduce myself. My name is Maureen Thorpe. I am an information broker," she gave a humble introduction.
As the fragrant tendrils of tea curled in the air, Maureen began to explain the workings of her information club.
"We operate on a give-and-take principle here," Maureen explained, her eyes revealing a depth of understanding. "You seek information, and in return, you offer something of value. A story, a secret, a piece of your own history."
Maya nodded, understanding the unspoken contract. In this clandestine space, information was currency, and trust was the key to unlocking its vaults.
She took a breath and swallowed. Arriving here, she only had questions on her mind, but didn't consider what to offer in return. Maureen was effective in keeping a relaxed atmosphere, but how was Maya to determine what value information she has to offer holds?
Returning to her old habit of overthinking things, Maya had to take a sip of the tea to quench her dry throat.
"Don't worry," Maureen reassured her with eyes holding a hint of wisdom. "Sometimes, the information that may seem insignificant to you is quite valuable in the grand scheme of things."
"I understand."
"Before we begin, I like to establish the foundation for our successful relationship. I like to keep my clients satisfied, but for the first-timers, I request a down payment for our future services. It's nothing scary. It is for me to get a better picture of you and have a better grasp on information that could be of interest to you."
After Maya's confirmation, Maureen gently broached a sensitive subject. The request was her trauma, the reason she came to Mellgrah in the first place.
Maya took a deep breath, realizing that the quest for information was not just about acquiring knowledge but also about bearing a part of herself in the process. Thinking about how everyone has shared this information with Maureen, Maya resolved herself and began to reveal her tragic past of losing her parents.