Birthday Girl

Maya looked at herself in a mirror noticing how her body was shaping. All this bending was a constant workout and it began erasing the traces years of depression created. She finally felt like she was at the point where she could keep up with it and not struggle through muscle soreness. Finally feeling she was on the way to comparing herself with Elena, whose change wasn't all that noticeable as she was in great shape before this drilling. Maya thought it was a shame the weather was only getting colder so no one could notice her progress through all the layers of clothes.

It was mid-October. The day before Maya's 17th birthday. It was late evening. In their room, Maya was studying while Elena was playing with a new butterfly knife she had gotten recently. Maya received a text from Adam saying to meet him in a Purple Garden before midnight. She smiled at the screen.

"What do you say we go on the roof tonight? It is a pretty clear night for stars," Elena suggested.

There was minimal light pollution here which made stars very visible. It was one of Maya's favourite things; stargazing. She had never seen so many stars in her life. But it was also dangerous to stargaze here. It's dark and vampires lurk outside.

"Isn't the roof too steep for that?"

Elena has been on the roof, before. Sometimes she would go there to smoke when she wanted some time alone. But she never invited Maya out there. "You just have to be careful," she crossed her patched-up fingers through her hair.

Elena would often have her fingers bandaged from playing with her knives that mostly weren't made for throwing. But recently, she had gotten a butterfly knife. She would play with it constantly, flipping it, practising tricks and whatnot, which naturally resulted in her fingers being cut and patched all up with bandages she could barely use them, but still persisted in spinning it around in her hands.

"Maybe some other time," Maya was getting dressed and was putting her shoes on.

"Where are you going?"

It was almost midnight. Maya said nothing, just smiled coyly. Soon she was gone.

Maya made her way to the Purple Garden. It got its name from purple tainted glass pavilion and decorations through the garden that would filter the light through purple hues. And, of course, they would plant purple flowers, but since it was October there were no flowers. Maya thought this garden to be truly magical.

It had a special ambience throughout the whole year; even when the flowers weren't blooming. It looked the best when the sun would get low — then the sunlight would get this warmer hue and combined with the purple glass it created a remarkably unique atmosphere with that play of light.

It was a cold October night, but there was Adam with a blanket set up for a picnic. It put a smile on Maya's face. That absurd man. He gave her a blanket to keep warm and they watched the stars. At the stroke of midnight, he lit up a candle on a chocolate muffin and gave it to her.

"Happy birthday!"

"It couldn't be happier," Maya smiled brightly.

Instead of blowing out the candle, she passed her hand over it and stole it from its spot. Then she blew on it in her palm to make it grow larger, illuminating their faces, before clutching her fist to destroy it.

"That's so cool," he said.

"But I can't create my own yet," she said while gesturing her palm in an attempt to create one.

"You'll get there."

"Tanya says that if I haven't done it yet, I may never. That it happens to some."

"You're great at everything. I'm sure it will come to you."

"I really suck at fire magic, though."

"I don't see why you worry about it. You have three other elements."

"I suck at earth bending, too."

"Two's still more than the rest of us."

"I don't want to think about school, now."

They talked for a long time. Adam was recounting a funny story from the last D&D session with the boys. Although he framed it as something novel to him, Maya already knew from Isaac they often played together.

'Does Adam not like his geeky friends? It sounds like they have a lot of fun though.'

After they gossiped and talked their hearts out, caution was still something they mustn't put aside. Going outside during curfew was already a risky move, so Adam walked her to her dormitory to make sure she wasn't alone.

Hiding from patrols they found themselves on her doorstep laughing for barely slipping away from one guard. Then they got quiet. Adam chose that moment to chuck her under the chin and pull her closer for a kiss. It was their first kiss, and Maya's first kiss ever.

Although it was something she couldn't stop thinking about for a long time, finally happening, she couldn't quite handle the rush of emotions and her own flushed face.

"See you tomorrow."

Maya quickly got into the dorm building, pushing the doors shut with her body and leaning on them with her back. A smile broke on her face. She was still full of adrenaline from running and hiding from the guards and from that kiss. She was taking a moment to recollect what had just happened.

She heard a shuffling sound in the kitchen, followed by the clanking of dishes. Her blood ran cold. The room was pitch-black, her vision consumed by darkness. She cautiously approached, her hand searching for the light switch as the sound of liquid being poured echoed through the room. Her mind conjured all manner of monstrosities that could be lurking in the dark. The simple act of flipping a switch had never been so terrifying.

"Don't," a familiar voice came from the darkness. "Odd time to return home," the voice scrutinized her.

Maya switched on the light to confirm it was Elena who grumbled and covered her face with her arms.

"Jesus, Elena. What are you doing here in the dark?"

"Making coffee."

"Coffee? At 3 a.m.?!"

"So, you do know what time it is," Elena grinned and slurped some hot liquid from the cup to make space to pour in rum.

"Oh, come on. I don't give you crap about your nightcrawling activities."

"You know that it isn't smart to roam around at dark. Weren't you afraid of vampires just a couple of weeks ago?"

"I wasn't outside the Walls."

"I don't think those four students that went missing recently were either."

"Are you… worried about me?" Maya narrowed her eyes.

Elena was now caught in an uncomfortable situation. "I just don't want to be accused of having something to do with your death. Having a room to myself is a pretty strong motive."

"So, you keep telling yourself," Maya wasn't buying her excuses.

"Whatever. Don't you have to sleep or something?"

"Yes. But you do too."



"I have some commissions to complete. I'll do it here, so I don't bother you."

Maya looked at the counter where was Elena's sketchpad. She wasn't lying. "Is the order that important that you have to lose sleep over it?"

"I can't sleep. So I'm just using that time more efficiently. Besides, the woman I'm doing this for is leaving for Elador soon. And if she is satisfied with me, she'll send me art supplies from there." Elena would always complain about how she couldn't find proper tools and supplies for her art here in Amellan. This was a small town and demand for such things wasn't high.

"Okay. Good luck then." Maya stepped toward the staircase, but Elena called her name. Maya stopped herself and turned back to see what she wanted.

"Happy birthday," Elena added, sounding disinterested.

Maya smiled. Elena really was trying not to seem like she cared.

When Maya entered the room, she noticed how tired she was. After throwing herself on her bed, she noticed there was something small underneath her that she hadn't left there before. She reached for it to see it was a small package wrapped in old newspaper. Inside was a box. After she opened it, she found a note in a dreadful handwriting:

To light fires for you.

Under it was a beautifully ornamented, metal lighter, engraved with an image of a Chinese dragon. It was beautiful. But Maya knew that there was no way that Elena could afford it. She had already run out of liquor in the fridge, which usually indicated she ran out of cash to buy new. And the one antique store they had in the town was wickedly expensive. Which was fine because its target customers weren't students, anyway.

She ran downstairs. "What's this? We said no gifts," Maya scolded her.

"It's not a gift," Elena said casually while still sketching. "It's a loan. You can return it when you no longer need it."

"What if I say I don't need it right now?"

"Do you have your Spark under control?" Elena stopped sketching.


"That's the condition for returning this item," she returned to sketching. "Your request has been denied."

Maya laughs at her automated response. "Thank you. It's beautiful," she said sincerely.

"Had to be. To make it harder for you to refuse it. Plus, it's useful."

"It must've been expensive. Oh, Havens! You haven't stolen it, right?"

"Don't worry. No one will come for you," she laughed. "I acquired it legally. Traded it for some art."

"Thank you again," she looked at it again with a smile. "Good night, Elena."