Regreat (1)

As the clone wars where reaching it's third year and battles were being fought across the galaxy. The fate of the galaxy was swaying between the Republic or the CIS and sectors far and wide were choosing sides.

Vincent had just returned from a mission with a squadron of clone in toe as he walked through Coruscant. Though the wars was hitting it apex the Republic Capital remaind ever lively.

As Vincent was about ti make his way toward his personal quarters he was greeted by a Republic officer,with a respectfully salute." General Vincent it is my greatest privilege to hear that your mission was a success."

As the officer continued to boot lick toward Vincent, listing his past achievements trying to get him in a good mood. Before then switching over to himself in the most obnoxious and self important tone the officer could muster.

" Allow me to introduce my myself. I am second lieutenant Chives, one of the top graduates of the star fleet acadime."

Finally having enough Vincent interject his endless yapping." What brings you hear lieutenant because I do hope it's not to waste my time with your own self worth." Vincent says with clear annoyance laced in his voice.

Realising that he had over stepped and as a result only brought the respected general inconvenience. He quickly took a step back and looked down not meeting the piercing red eyes that were now directed towards him with an unfriendly stare." I, I apologies sir it was not my intention to cause an inconvenience."

Vincent seeing the sweat forming in the young officers and realising that this apology would probably go on for a while he sighed." Would you get to the point already."

" ahh yes sir. General skywalker sent me, he informed me that he had important matters to discuss with you."

Finally getting the answer." Now that wasn't so hard was it. Is young skywalker still in the jedi temple."

Taking a more meak and ashamed stance." That is correct sir."

As the lieutenant disappears in the distance Vincent turns back towards the camander of the clone troopers under his of the few elite commandos of the Republic army.

" your squad will be joining with General skaywalker and 501 on your next mission correct."

Responding with a salute the clone responds." That is correct sir we have a joint mission with General skywalker next week."

A slightly wicked grin creeps up on hos face." Good make sure that to make things a little difficult for the young General."

Chuckling under his helmet in understating." If that is what you wish sir. A justified response to master skywalkers constant attempts to inconvenience you sir."

Arriving back in his quarters Vincent quickly freshened up and change into more suitable clothes for visiting the asteemed Jedi temple. Removing his weopens and leaving them behind,he makes his way toward the Jedi temple.

Upon his arrival Vincent was stopped my a pair Jedi sentinels that's duty is to protect the temple from outside threats."General Vincent it's good to see you in good health on this fine day, may I ask the reason for your vist to the temple."

" I have been asked her for a private meeting with Jedi knight Anakin."

Checking Vincent's person for Amy weapons the guards make contact with Anakin. to conform his claims so that Vincent may be allowed inside the premence.

" you have permission to enter the temple General Vincent, we hope you enjoy your visit and remain on your best behaviour while your are here."The sentinel comments with a kind voice laced with subtle warning.

Vincent given approval begins to walk through the front entrance of the temple. Admiring the architecture of the ancient and beautiful structure.

His gaze lingered on the floor of the temple as his every footstep echoed throughout the large hallway. Before heading in the direction of Anakins personal living quarters.

Heading inside Vincent is greeted the a slightly distressed Anakin. He was sitting on the edge of his bed with a worried expression plastered on his face while deep in thought.

Seeing the door open Anakin's gaze snaps upward and locking onto Vincent before a friendly smile graces his face. Erasing some if the worry with just the precence of a good friend." Thank you for coming on such short notice my friend, I know your busy so I will do my best to make this as short as possible."

With a playfully smile that slowly mores I to sligh worry Vincent speaks." Saying that after you have already sent the most annoying officer you could probably find with the hole of the Republic is a little rich don't you think."

"And you should know me quite well my now Anakin if you are troubled I will always find the time to reassure you, as that is the very least that you deserve from me."

"Now what are your worries young skywalker."

A serious expression returned to Anakins face." I'm having doubts Vincent. Do you think that I'm a good Jedi, even after all I've given for the Jedi order during this ongoing war, the council hardly even recognises my efforts."

" I'm to also assume this has to do with your secret relationship the Padme. And your reluctance for it to become public."

Looking down and sighing in exasperation." Partly yes. Everything that is important to me, all of my attachment I have are viewed negatively by the Jedi order."

Looking at Anakin with slight pitty but also understanding." I want you to know my friend thay no matter the path you chose to tread weather that is to continue with the Jedi. In which case I will do do everything possible to help you achieve your dreams."

" And if for what ever reason your action take you down a dark path, that looks like there is no coming back. I will be there by your side trying to find the light that you lost along the way. That is kind of loyalty that you have earned from me."

Looking at Vincent, Anakin couldn't help but slightly choke up a little." Thankyou truly Vincent you are the best kind of friend that I could ask for."

" also you might not be completely aware but as someone so strongly connected to the force you will be susceptible to the positive and negative aspects if it."

" you mean like the strong love and attachments and the overwhelming anger that I feel."

"Exactly most Jedi while they might not to admit it themselves are quite susceptible to falling in love. As that is one of the strongest positive side emotions of them all."

"An emotion that not even your master Obi-wan is amune to, the perfect example of this would be Satine."

Chucling lightly at his remark toward his master." As much as I like that sentiment I can't quite believe that fully. Most Jedi have extreme control over the emotion."

Shacking his head slightly." You still view them to highly Anakin, no one not even the Jedi masters are amune to lust and finding someone to truly love."

" haha, your statement still has no validity to it though. How about a wadger if you are so confident, if you can make one Jedi master fall in love, I will admit defeat."

Rising an eyebrow at the direct challenge." Those are some big word from you young skywalker, but an interesting proposition. Very well pick the Jedi master and I may prove my point."

Throwing his head back in laughter Anakin begins thinking." Very well if you are so confident I'll make this as difficult as possible. Master Shaak Ti, she is one of the most patient and in controlled of her emotions then any other jedi master that I can think of."

Screwing his eyebrow at the prospect before clicking his tonge slightly." Well that defently increse the difficulty drastically, but you have yourself a deal."

With the deal made they shook hands while laughing slightly that the prospect their deal would have in the Jedi community, as well as the trouble they could both find themselves in if the Jedi council ever caught wind of such a preposterous notion.