Arlon looked at the wolf-like Keldar standing before them and let out a quiet sigh.
If he let this Named Monster escape, it could cause serious trouble.
It wasn't just about the risk of it reporting back to a Demon—though that alone was reason enough to be cautious.
Normally, Keldars weren't particularly organized, and players hunting them wouldn't be considered noteworthy.
Even if one did report to a higher-ranking Demon, it wouldn't necessarily care about such a minor skirmish.
But this situation was different.
There weren't supposed to be players in this area yet.
And more importantly, the players weren't just random adventurers—they were moving in coordination with three administrators, methodically clearing Keldars around multiple cities.
From Keldars' perspective, that was suspicious. Very suspicious.
That was why catching up to the Keldar before it escaped had become a necessity.