5: Yes! Male R is a thing.*

"What are you waiting for?"

It was the last thing I expected to hear from the woman I was forcing to the ground.

"I lost. I concede." She patted the arm that was wrapped around her neck.

As soon as I let go of her, she jumped, and the kick hit my jaw. 

Ouch! It took me a moment before the world around me stopped spinning. 

By the time it did, the ground and the sky changed places. I stumbled and fell.

She grabbed both of my hands. I felt her feet on my ass. She pulled my hand back.

"Give up, or I will tear off your arms."

She wasn't kidding. The pain that was spreading from my shoulders was real. But the pain…

I didn't know when I had grown numb to the pain. 

"Do you still have my pride as a warrior? To think the mighty queen of orcs would use fake surrender as bait."

Yes, and my left arm popped out of the shoulder joint.

"Winning is the only criterion for a warrior's pride." My right shoulder, too, got dislocated. "There is no way a human like you would understand that."

{{Troll Regeneration} activated.}

"Then I will treat you like a true warrior as you are. Not as the empress."

'Add eleven points in strength.'

{11 free points are added to the strength.

Strength: 60 (+11)}

"Ehhh…" I can feel that I am stronger than her. However, she had a positional advantage.

"Add every free point to strength."

{7 free points are added to the strength.

Strength: 67 (+7)}

"What the hell are you screaming about? Give up if you want to live."

"It is not like you will let me go, even if I give up."

"You should leave one of your hands behind for daring to come to mate me."

"Why don't you try?"

I could feel her increasing force before I could complete my words.

The difference in our strength had grown a little too big for her. She even tried to employ magic. 


I pulled my arm closer, making her slam against my back with her ample mound first. 

I couldn't just give her the chance to understand I am now stronger than her. 

I pulled my hand back. The next moment, I felt Rhine using magic.


"Magic doesn't work on me."

She tried to put her leg on my back again.

"It is too late."

I didn't need to hold her. She was grabbing her hand tightly. With a swing, I slammed her on the ground before me.

"You must have used that magic to earn your title of Orc queen. You are not that strong."

The feeling of her gaze was burning my skin, and she threw a punch.


The curse was purely unintentional, but it came out of instinct. 

{{Troll Regeneration} activated.}

This crazy woman busted my nuts. If I hadn't covered it in time, the next couple of kicks would have landed on my penis too.

After realizing she failed to do any real damage, she ran away.

"What the hell have I got myself into?" The pain was still there. Tears that had rolled down from my eyes were dry.

Before the pain could fade, she cast another shadow on me.

If I hadn't listened to my instinct and rolled away from the spot, the axe would have severed my head from my body.

"That is cheating."

"Anything is fair in love and war."

"Where the hell have you heard that from?"

An axe swing is what I get as an answer.

"Stop it." I am sure I can overwhelm her, but that is too much for me. 

If it was some kind of physiological effect due to all those killings and fighting, or it was because I had remained maidenless for far too long, but I am sure I didn't want to work this hard to get another woman.

Most importantly, I have earned the title of bull. All the slave traders and nobles would knock at my door to receive my zig. 

Yes, yes. I had thought I might even have to force a couple of slaves, but this is far too much work.

Still, it is already a long list, and the wait time is at least a week. So, there was supposed to be no reason for me to work this hard. 

"I am not going to mate with you." Her expression was saying that she didn't believe me. "It is not like the princess would punish me if I fail to have sex with you."

"That is not possible." She didn't stop swinging that giant ass axe.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Once the ceremonial mating duel starts, one of the two results must be achieved."

"What the hell is doing the ceremonial shit? We are just fighting."

"Either you die, or you impregnate me."

"Oh! Make up your mind, your highness. Whether you want to have sex with me or not."

"That is if you make you submit."

"Are you a sadist or something? Or do you have a r**e kink or something?"

"It is the fate of the weak. The law of nature."

"No wonder the emperor didn't want to show the empress to the outside world. You really have a problem with your head." I jumped back, creating some distance between us. "I surrender. I give up. Stop fighting."

"You will die if you give up."

"Damn it. What the hell did I get myself into?"

She had no intention of stopping, and she had no way of winning. 

It wasn't long before the axe was broken. Rhine's hand got arrested, and I was sitting on her back with her face down.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I am waiting for nothing."

"Then get done with it."

"What do you mean by 'get done with it?"

"I was wondering, what if I don't have sex with you after I defeat you?"

"You wouldn't dare."

"What do you mean?"

"You can't do that to me."

"It is the ceremony of the tiger hide orc. I am a human. I don't need to follow the rule of the orc."

"Noooo…" The scream was louder than the time she charged at me. 

Why the hell is her strength increasing after I denied her the meat?

Before I could understand where it went wrong, she rolled over, put me to the ground, and sat on me.

I instinctively covered my face from the incoming attack. However, not a single punch came.

The attacks came, but they were aimed at my dress or whatever was left.

"Be careful with that. I already had to use {Troll's regeneration} to recover. I have already…"

I couldn't get to complete my sentence before that fat ass pressed down on my face. 

The next thing I felt was the wet feeling on my dick. 

"Please don't bite it off." I pleaded. 

Alas! All of my words went up her ass. 


The positive thing was that she didn't bite it off even without my words. However, she took an entire sloppy dick in her mouth and started to suck on it like a vacuum cleaner.

"Is she giving me a blowjob?" 

I couldn't voice my query loud enough, but I did taste the honey pot as I tried to talk.

Before my mind could decide whether I should engage in a '69' scenario, my hands had already grabbed her ass, moved it over my lips, and gave her lower lips a French kiss.

She was sweaty, and that part was more so. However, I didn't hate the taste.

Alas! Like a disgruntled girlfriend, she didn't let me indulge and moved away.

This was the first time I hated the smell of fresh air.

I smiled at her as our eyes met. But that emotionless gaze made me swallow my words.

Neither did she care about what I was going to say.

Her hand was still grabbing onto my firm dick as she hovered her ass above it. And we docked.

Or so I thought.


This was supposed to be so painful!

Her vagina was excessively tight. Along with the fact that my dick had never been peeled, the entry wasn't smooth.

"Wait. Wait." I tried to stop her. Expectedly, she didn't care and slammed her ass on my waist.

"Ohhhhhhh my god!" 

I am unsure if it was just my problem or if any other male had felt it. As my dick was forcefully peeled by her somewhat wet vagina, it felt like someone had put a paper cut along my dick.

"Wasn't it supposed to be painful for the female to lose their virginity? Why me?"

I am unsure if she understood my question or didn't care about it. She put her hand on my chest, stopping me from sitting up, and repeatedly assaulted my genitals with her heavy ass.

It hurt to such a degree that I was yet to regain that euphoric sensation on my dick. Yet, I felt my ball contract.

"Fuck it. Damn it."

She kept sitting on my waist without any expression from my sudden outburst.

"A female orc rapes me. Is this why I have safely guarded my virginity for so long?"

Her cold expression remained unchanged as she sat there for two more minutes.

My dick escaped its assaulter and bent down on my chest like a tree broken by a cyclone. The foreskin was pulled down up to its neck, and the tip was blood red instead of its usual pink color.

And if assaulting me was enough, she stood above me with her feet on both sides of my head. 

I looked up to come face-to-face with the lips that had swallowed my innocence.

It was only then that I noticed a slight curve at the edge of her lips as she used two of her fingers to spread her pussy to show me the thick jizz that had started to leak out of her vagina.