9: The secret of elven queen

{{Author: Inert is the term used for people who have never been isekaied.

Mira is the woman whom the real Bjorn was supposed to marry. As MC Bjorn took over Bjorn's body, Mira's body was taken over by Lily.

Leagues are the teams or groups allowed to explore the forbidden land or the land connected to another world.}}

I am sure she looked like Mira, precisely like the pictures.

However, the moment I touched her, she changed. She turned into the woman who I have seen in the system space. Lily, the otherworld custom team leader or something.

The shock on her face had made it clear that she wasn't expecting that. She was quick to take her hand back.

"They are meeting for the first time."

"Can't you see they couldn't take their eyes off each other?"

Hearing the whispers, she took her eyes off me. 

"If you have enough of each other, should we start with the ceremony?"

We looked at the priest. I felt her stealing glances at me as the priest started his wedding officiating speech.

We held hands, so she still looked like the one in the system space.

It was only then that I realised that she had a pointy ear.

"Are you an elf?"

Her eyes turned bigger for a moment before she returned a nod.

However, what surprised me was that these people around me didn't care. 

"Would you, Bjorn Thorov?"

"I…" The pause pulled out her fear of her heart into her eyes. "I do."

I could confirm that her smile looked genuine. I could also feel that the grip on my hand had gotten tighter.

As soon as the priest completed the words for Mira, she almost screamed out loud, "I DO."

"She couldn't wait."

We did everything we needed before walking out to the car. She threw the bouquet with a little too much enthusiasm, which an enthusiastic teenager caught.

There was an hour or two gap in the reception ceremony, so we took the car and returned to the bungalow reserved for the newlyweds.

"What was that?" 

The moment I closed the door, Mira, or we could say who Lily was, decided to act like I was the one who had done it wrong.


"That level of magic, which could dispel my unique magic, shouldn't be available in this world. Even if it were possible in the world you had isekaied to, with your intelligence and wisdom, it wouldn't be possible for you to dispel it."

"That is not what you should be talking about right now."

"Yes, we should."

"No, we shouldn't. The system has bestowed on me this body and the identity. And your body and identity are not. You are not from this world to begin with."

The smile on her face didn't look reassuring as she asked, "What made you think that?" 

"If it were the same for you, you wouldn't need to use magic to fake it." 

"You should know I was the one who had used magic inert close to you so that they wouldn't recognise you."

"Are you trying to…"

"I am not doing anything. I am trying to say…"

"Truth. You should tell the truth right now."

"The truth is that I am also Mira, just like you are allowed to be Bjorn."

"Can the system confirm that?"

"What is there to confirm?"

"Well, the logic behind choosing this body was that other than the one in his exploration league, all those around this identity were inert. Shouldn't that mean the woman he was supposed to marry would be the same?"

"That…" The pause made me feel that her next one was just an excuse. "That is because I would have already known about the identity."

"I don't think you are the only otherworldly custom team leader, are you?"

"Huh! Do you have any idea how many worlds there are? Of course, there are more of us."

"What would happen if there was another custom team leader?"

"What do you mean?"

"System, can you confirm if Mira Klein's identity was inert or not?"

{Classified information.}

Mira snorted.

"System. Is everyone around my identity inert the day before yesterday?"

{Other than 17 exploration league members, all the identities related to the host's identity were inert.}

I grabbed her hand when I noticed she was trying to do something. "What about tomorrow morning, system?"


"Let me go." She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Like I care. 

"What about last night, system?"

{Classified information.}

"That means you have taken over the body after I have gained control of this body." I felt that I had given enough information to support my point.

"So what if I did?"

"Nothing. It is not some kind of vigilant who would do anything for justice. However, there is something I wouldn't like. That is being lied to or cheated on."

"What are you talking about? Aren't you the same?"


"I pretend like you don't know about it. I have seen your skill. There was not a single skill that was related to magic. Dispelling my high-level magic wouldn't be possible with C or D-grade intelligence. Despite that, you have nullified it. Doesn't that mean you have another skill you are hiding?"

"The system gave me the option. That means the system allowed it. System, is it legal to hide one skill?"


"System, is it legal for an otherworldly custom employee to take an identity at will?"


I have done enough to prove my point, as she can see the system prompt.

"System, can you confirm that I, Lilja Amastacia, the queen of Amastacia Forest, am allowed to take on the identity of any maiden or not?"

{Affirmative, as long as the identity is single and the host is willing to preserve the identity till death.}

"Wait a minute. You are an elf! You are not native."

"Do you think only humans from this world were allowed to go to another world?"

"Wait a minute! You are one of those who is isekaied in this world! How cool is that?"

"What is so cool about it?"

"Is this your first time?"

"Do you think it would make sense if it was my first time and I am already a team leader of otherworld customs?"


"It is my eleventh time."

"Oh! Then how old are you?"

"I am 327 years old. I became queen 32 years ago."

"Great. Great. But why did you become Mira?"

"That…" The hesitation was apparent on her face.

"Is it something you can't talk about?"

"Well…" She sighed. "It is not like I should hide it from you."

{Particant: DZS568

Return condition: Bear seven children for a single human male.}

"Oh!" I am not sure I would receive such a condition. But it has a surprising allure to such a quest. "But this quest isn't supposed to be hard for you. The number is absurd but not impossible."

"It isn't supposed to be." Her expression conveyed the pain of many failures.

"I have been in this world for more than 200 years in this turn. I have lived through five identities."

"What the hell?"

"I am an elf."


"It is challenging for us to get pregnant."

"How hard could it be?"

"Over 1000 years of our lives, they would have one or two pure offspring."

"Okay. And…"

"Copulating with humans would have increased the chance. And the best I did was five."

"I am a human too… Wait a minute."

"Yes, {Zeal of an Orc}. The orc is one of the most dominant fertile species. So…"

"Okay. So, you want to use me to complete the mission. Not a bad idea. But what do I get for that?"


"What, what? In 22 years of pre-isekai life, I have learned that if you are good at anything, don't do it for free."

"I would not cheat on you."

"That is a given. And it isn't that you won't cheat on me; rather, you can't."

"I won't stop you from mating with others."


"As a matter of fact, there are many missions in the system space regarding that. I could give you a boost."

"You can earn a token from those missions too."

"Of course. Any transaction can be done with the system as mediation, not just tokens. So, you don't have to worry about being cheated."

"Oh! Okay. There is a lot more I have to learn."

"Yes. If you want to extend your stay, you must make an expedition before you are allowed to use tokens to extend your stay. There are many more. Soon, someone will contact you and give you an explanation."

"Okay." I smiled at her, asking, "But that's all I was supposed to get. What are you going to give me?"

"What do you want? I can teach you magic. Even in those forbidden spaces, you won't find a better magic teacher than."

"I don't need magic. Make a better offer."

"You tell me what you want? I can give you access to a lot of information you can't get normally, not even the people who will meet you. I can be your manager so those big guilds or clans won't scam you. We can make a contract through the system if you want."

"Having a manager won't be bad. Ultimately, if you give birth to 7 of our children, we will be together for a long time."

"Yes. Yes. We can even sign a partner contract. If you are even in trouble, I can teleport and protect you. Believe me when I say few people can go head-to-head with me."

"Now that's what I'm talking about. Anything else?"

"You know, the girl who was supposed to be the sister of this identity…"

"Supposed to be?"

"This identity and she had a different father."


"She is also interested in you."


"I think she is fertile one. If you want to…"

"Wait, wait, how do you know that?"

"You remember that I am responsible for animating the memories of the inert, right?"

"That is dangerous."

"But you… You are different. Your brain is like a vacuum. As if you are dead."

I didn't explain to her that no magic would work on me.

"System, can you create a contract?" 

As soon as she said it, the screen appeared before me.

{1. Lilja Amastacia will work as a manager for Bjorn the Slahtr during his stay on the native plane.

The system would bind Lilja Amastacia and Bjorn the Slahtr as 'eternal partners.' Lilja Amastacia will assist Bjorn the Slahtr to mingle with the inert society. Bjorn the Slahtr will let Lilja Amastacia have at least 7 of their offspring. Lilja Amastacia and Bjorn the Slahtr will never disclose any information about the contact or about each other.}

"The third point here isn't that important."

"It is not much. And I have signed."

It is not like it is causing any problems for me. So, I agreed to the system.

"Now that I think about it, I tend to attract queens a lot."


"First it was the Orc queen; now it is the elf queen."

{{The author:

Just like MC went to another world, Lilja=Lily=Mira had come to this world. 

Just like MC had an absurd condition to return to this world, Lilja had a condition to return to her world. It was a lot harder to complete because it was her 11th time coming to this world.}}