2 It's imbalanced

As the sunlight's rays shine in the apartment building, hitting Null's face as Null wakes up groaning.Realizing he fell asleep,grabbing the cards and watches throws them into the garbage.He walks to his room and grabs a backpack and phone."What time is it?" Null says as he grabs his phone turns it on, displaying 8:12AM "so I slept in,an hour left before he comes" Null's says as he walks to the couch and shoves his phone and laptop into it and 5 sets of pants,underwear and shirts and a old maintained jacket he wore as well small golden circular blue tinted glasses,looking at it sadly,but brushes it off as he shoves it in.

Now left with a long sleeve black over sized shirt and cargo pants on the table,he goes to the bathroom,showered,brushes his teeth and wears the black long sleeve shirt and cargo pants,"How much time is left?"as Null

was about to take his phone out the bag but a knock on the door was heard.He zips his bag up once again."Really now?" He opens his door and a tall man with broad shoulders in military clothing and black beard and mustache with few strands of white and slicked back dreadlocks."Hello boy, you ready?"he says with a deep yet load voice,"Hi, old man Ron you didn't age well". The soldier named Ronald chuckled and turn his back, and walked to the old fashioned muscle car, and opened the door "In you go,the military doesn't like waiting boy!" Ronald shouted Null ran forward in the car's passenger seat,than through his backpack in the back seat.

Ronald got into the driver's seat,starting the engine and starting to drive,Ronald turns on some music."What the?.." Null says being interested in the music yet still confused,Ronald looking on the road chuckles "Oh,my boy this is blues, it's pretty nice"Ronald says enthusiastically,"Ya it got..a nice rhythm",Null replies back as he starts humming then stops, turns head to Ronald,"When even is this from old man?".Ronald looks at Null,"Disrespectful aren't you anyways this song is from the 1990's". 

Null burst's out laughing to the point of having a goofy,says"Wow you miss the old days huh old man".

"You little brat,I'm 37 year's old ",Ronald looks at Null then grabs his head with his left hand, squeezing his head.


Null looking forward screaming "OLD MAAAAAN!".

Ronald looks forward a car about to crash into them, he turns right,then back to the lane,"boy why are you so dramatic huh?"

Null looking at Ronald,"Oi I'm an average kid, wait sorry I'm a kid"Ronald thinking, Replies back"Ya you wouldn't survive, would ya".

After the energy filled event a tense silence took over the two,A while had past Ronald sighed "Olv..." But yet interrupted by Null responding to the break of silence "Don't call me that". Breathing in and breathing out Ronald says"Still got a grudge against people who you never knew and never there"Ronald replies."Ya,them" Null says filled with venom "them not being there is why" Null says,"okay then, what about where your going huh?" Ronald enthusiasticly says,"you know I'm supposed to be 16 before I go yet", Ronald interrupting says "Yet I got you recommended and they said okay and pulse you missed a week so work hard",Null glaring at Ronald,"You really don't want to to go do you" Null looking out of the window with a distasteful look replies"Why would I,I don't want to go to a place I that is not for me, not for my goal",Ronald looking on the road says"What is it?" Null giving a glance to Ronald and back outside"I want to live comfortable, with a family a family that I don't want to get hurt or involved with the military and those that are even worse and to not abandon them." 

Ronald smiling says "Truly you are honorable for a child","Ya but if I go there I'm not going to be such a honorable child" Null replies,"Even though you'll need to,even those who want a quiet life" as Ronald spoke they arrived.
