Chapter 22: Karma IS Flying

There were precious few moments during the day during which Karma had the time to think his actions through.

This moment, during which the Grim Reaper was chatting up a grandma before him, who was having her purchases packed in different containers, making sure that the world would turn around and find at least one dead dolphin with plastic in its belly, was one such moment.

Karma did not ask himself that question too often, but as the poor teenager, who was probably just trying to get his work experience before going to college, was packing some grapes in a bag, grape by grape, he did so.

Was Karma… unjust?

 And if so, was he too unjust or just unjust for it to be fun? And if it was the former, was there a Karma who looked over his shoulder, ready to make him fly into a tree, just like he had done to the flying pig?

