Chapter 24: Respect NOT Blind Love

Lin looked at Alex, who looked at the little gnome man with more than a little bit of interest. Lin knew from experience that Alex found the being cute.

How could he not, when Lin had found Kai, grizzled and mature Kai, cute?

But if this love had any chance to bloom in the future, then the two men had to be equal. Lin fluttered his pink wings, looking at Kai for approval. The gnome nodded, the whip still in his hands.

Lin turned Ben back into a human teenager, pink dust falling off his wings. He also got rid of the fake name Karma had given the boy.

Just because a love build on trickery was no love at all.

"Karma, a moment," Lin felt brave in that second. It was not so, as if the fairy could really stand up to his overlord. Something told him, however, that he could still defend Alex's rights.

And the most basic right of all was to be loved and to love. Lin had to get it through Karma's thick skull, but he did not know how.