Chapter 32: A Gnome at your Gate

Pallas knew that most of the giants of the world had it bad. That was why he had moved into a swamp.

 It had been free real estate back when he had moved in. Then he had drank from the swamp mana and got infected with necromancy by the corpse of a long dead necromancer.

To be honest, Pallas had not expected much as he had written the strongly worded letter to the former Swamp King, but the fact that the man had sent him a wagon with manure on it had prompted the giant to step on the darned goblin.

Which had led to him getting a fungus infection on his feet.

Karma is a fudge; Pallas could not help but think.

So, imagine the giant's surprise when he felt an Archdemon's mana outside his gate, only to find a… gnome.

As gnomes went, Pallas had to admit this one looked like a warrior. He was lean, with well-defined muscles, which Pallas wouldn't have noticed if he had left his reading glasses in his study.