Chapter 44: Ever forward BUT backwards!

If there was one thing Ralf had always understood about life, it was that one could not help but have enemies. As he was still a store clerk, there was this one customer who always came by to buy grapes. The man had always waited for Ralf to be on the counter. Demanding that Ralf measure the darn grapes again and again.

Until Ralf had had enough and had yelled at him. The manager had not been trilled at it all. Had kicked Ralf on the street the same day.

It was the day Ralf had met Rick. Rick, who had lost his job, but was still willing to let Ralf into his life.

Ralf had learned a lesson on that day. He knew that the customer had wanted him gone. Had known that it had been all a waiting game.

And so, he understood that if he wanted to defeat Death, he would have to find his own weapon. His own bag of grapes, so to speak.