Chapter 52: Not easy, IS it?

"I did the Reaper because I knew my time was coming, ok?" Ethan blinked at the crude song. The gnomes were getting more and more shameless with each passing day. The goblins were smiting for them, the gnomes were even sewing each other uniforms.

"Do you think we should do something?" Ethan asked Amos, who just brought him closer. Their skin separated only by the blanket between them.

"Why? Not our problem anymore," Amos pressed a kiss on soft skin. Ethan narrowed his eyes.

"If I was still Karma," he began, as he wiggled his toes out of the mess of blankets. "I would have done something."

"You would have messed it up big time," Amos would have done so too. He did not understand why Ethan cared. Why he could not just lose himself into the warmth the two of them should have shared from the start.

"I spent my life as Karma, Amos! You can't just tell me to do nothing as gnomes are preparing to crush their teeth against the world!"