Little Moment's

Megan sat quietly, her gaze fixed outside the window on the other hand Aiden glanced over at her, concern etched on his face. The silence between them was so thick that only the soft hum of the car's engine was heard 

"Megan," he began gently, trying to break the silence "What happened back home?" 

She turned slightly to face him, her expression souring even more, she was so determined about keeping Aiden beside her no matter what,at the same time she was also scared of losing her parents,a few minutes ago her dad has declared about facing her punishment.

"Wait," Aiden continued, concern deepening in his voice. "Did your parents found out about me coming to pick you up? Oh no…"

Megan turned to face him fully now, her brows creasing in frustration. "It's not just that, Aiden," she replied, her voice tight. "I didn't think it would be this complicated."

"What do you mean?" he asked, searching her eyes as if the answers were there.

"They have their plans for me, you know? They think they know what's best, and seeing you again… well, it throws a wrench in everything." Her words tumbled out in a rush.

"Plans like what?" Aiden asked 

Megan eyes got wide opened at the mention of those,she wasn't ready yet to tell him about her parents idea of getting her in an arranged marriage.

"Uh,umm,I mean, it's just plans every parents would want" Megan replied after hesitating for some time.

" It's fine, you know what, let's just forget about all this and go have some fun and remember this baby,you don't have to take any of it if you don't want to, aight"

She turned her head slowly back to him, her expression softening ever so slightly, but doubt still lingered in her eyes. "What if they don't accept it"

Aiden immediately pulled over to the side of the road, the car idling as he faced her directly. "Meg, this is about you. If they can't accept that you're allowed to make your own choices—and that you have a voice—then that's their problem, not yours."

Aiden reached for her hand, gently squeezing it, feeling the soft warmth and strength in her touch. "Megan, I don't want you to feel trapped. You deserve to live your life freely, and I'm not going anywhere until you feel that too. Just give me a chance to help."

Megan looked down, biting her lip as she stared lovingly at him"

She wondered if it was the right thing to do, ignoring her parents completely and just living her live as she wished .

"We'll take this one step at a time," he promised. "Just… trust me, okay?

"Okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Come on, give me that pretty smile, you're so ugly now" Aiden joked forcing out a smile from Megan.

"Yes,see that's what I'm talking about", Aiden continued tickling her on her seat.

"Stop, —stop it Aiden, just stop" she retorted giving way to a hard laughter.

"Uhh, I'm so famished baby, let's quickly grab something to eat" Aiden placed his hands back on the steering

"How is business going babe, were you and your team able to convinced the investors" Megan asked.

"It was a tough one, well guess what Meg" Aiden replied 

"What? What is it" Megan said curious to hear what he had to say

"I peed on my pants" Aiden uttered with a smile 

"Come on, just spew it out, what the hell was that" Megan said hitting his arms.

"Well, they've agreed to become part of the project" Aiden exclaimed loudly.

"What, babe that's so great, you've hit another Jackpot, come on, drive quickly,we need to celebrate this" Megan shouted.

They arrived at the restaurant and Aiden quickly parked the car stepping out from the car,he opened the door for Megan to come out, giving Aiden her hand as she stepped out, Aiden kissed her hand tenderly making her blush hard.

They walked in, hand in hand together.

"Welcome to Spark-Star, please have a seat" a waitress greeted 

Once settled at their table, Aiden quickly glanced at the menu, and his eyes lit up. "I think I know what I want," he said, excitement bubbling in his voice.

Megan, perusing the options more leisurely, rolled her eyes playfully. "You'll probably order everything on the menu in ten seconds," she teased, knowing his tendency of getting elated when it comes to food

They quickly placed their orders—classic burgers and fries along with a couple of milkshakes—

As soon as the food arrived, Aiden wasted no time. He dove in, almost as if he hadn't eaten in a couple of weeks .

"Hey! Slow down! It's not running away," Megan laughed, watching him devour his burger in a few hard bites. 

Aiden looked up, cheeks stuffed, grinning sheepishly. "I can't help it! This is my favorite!" He took another massive bite, and Megan couldn't help but giggle.

Aiden held Megan hands across the table with a smile plastered on his face 

"I'm so full, that I can't even breathe" Aiden complained causing a chuckle from Megan.

"Aiden you'll never get full,I still wonder how you manage to stay fit with all your cravings" Megan said with a smile.


"Please just hear me out babe,it was never my intentions to hurt you, last night my dad came up with this crazy idea,we have no other option than getting engaged" Diego pleaded.

"No, I'm never getting engaged to you because your parents wants it, you're so selfish Diego, you care so much about your parents then how about what I want?, yes, you should've thought about that before accepting their wishes" Diana barked back.

"Did you just call me selfish,I had to accept their wishes just because I never want to hurt you,I mean it's not a big deal, getting engaged doesn't means we're getting married sooner,I understand you're not yet ready for it, please try and see things from my perspective if you really need me in your life Diana"

"I'm sorry Diego, but my answer still remains no,i don't want to get engaged now" 

"Diana did you realize what this means, I'm getting into an arranged marriage if the engagement doesn't hold, come on, don't do this to us babe"

"we agreed to take things slowly,I don't care if you're getting Into an arranged marriage, but you have to fix this Diego"

"What so bad in getting engaged Diana,we can just…."

"Enough.. just stop it" Diana barked 

"Any idea on who they're planning to get you married to" Diana asked

"No… dad concealed it from me, but I can find out if you want babe" Diego replied placing his hands gently on her shoulders 

"If you want this engagement sh*t to hold,find out about it , I'll give you two days,I still can't guarantee I'll accept it,so don't get your hopes high" Diana retorted shrugging his hands off.

"Diana what are you so scared of, just give me a chance"

"How the hell can I trust, you're only doing this because you don't want to get caught up in a damn arranged marriage, you can always dump me after using me to the full" Diana said looking away 

"I'll never do that, what? Did you really think so low of me"

"I have nothing to say to you at this moment, Find out about the woman, only then I'll consider it" Diana responded 

"Diana if you can take…"

" Please Get out" Diana interrupted leaving his words hanging.

Diego still couldn't figure out why she so much dreaded the topic of marriage, Diana has always been his first and last love, though he had lied to his parents that they just started courting when he had been seeing her secretly for the past two years.

"You can't just cut me off babe,we can figure it out together" Diego pleaded holding her waist.

"Get out Diego, don't make me do something I'm going to regret" Diana plainly uttered with a serious expression pushing him back.

She walked to door, swinging it opened at once, turning to Diego she stared at him.

Diego looked into her eyes signaling him to leave, and with no hesitation Diego stormed out walking to his car outside.

Exhaling sharply Diana banged the door close biting her lower lip hard.


"Wait, you mean to tell me you accidentally created a volcano out of baking soda and vinegar in a chemistry class?" Megan gasped between fits of laughter, holding her stomach.

"It totally exploded! The whole classroom looked like a science fair gone haywire!" Aiden exclaimed, his hands animatedly miming the eruption. 

"Did you at least get extra credit for that?" she asked, trying to repress her giggles as she brought her milkshake to her lips.

Aiden shrugged, a mock-seriousness taking over his features. "Unfortunately, no. They said it was 'too much enthusiasm' for a science project. Can you believe that?" 

"Well, your passion is commendable," Megan teased, shaking her head with a smirk. "But maybe try to channel it into something a little less explosive next time?"

"Okay, but in all seriousness, what's your biggest dream?" Aiden asked suddenly, 

Megan paused, the question catching her off guard. She took a moment to think, feeling the weight of the question settling In

"Honestly? I want to travel. See the world, live in different places, experience everything the world has to offer."

Aiden nodded repeatedly "I can see that. You've always had that wanderlust. And I want to be there with you when you do sweet heart"

Her cheeks flushed at his sincere words. "Really? You'd want to do that?"

"Of course! I'm not letting you go off and have adventures without me," he chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Besides, who else is going to keep you out of trouble?"

Megan threw her head back, laughing wholeheartedly. "You'll be the one needing that , Mr. Volcano!"

"Remember the time you tried impressing me by showing off your bike tricks, and you ended up in the neighbor's flower garden?" Megan cackled, wiping the little drop of tears from her eyes 

Aiden rolled his eyes but couldn't help but laugh too. "That was a perfectly executed stunt! It just didn't go as planned. I thought I'd soar, but instead, I became a human weed-whacker."

"Right! And all I could do was stand there, trying to keep a straight face while you were buried in daisies. The look on your face was priceless!" 

He grinned, shaking his head. "I was going for 'cool,' and I ended up 'clumsy.' But at least I got a free bouquet out of it!"

"Honestly, I wouldn't trade this for anything," he said, his voice sincere. "Just sitting here with you, enjoying breakfast and being ourselves—it feels perfect."

Megan's laughter softened into a smile as warmth blossomed in her chest. "I feel the same way. I love these little moments too, it makes me forget about all my worries for a while.

Aiden paused, taking in her words and her radiant smile. "That's what I want—more mornings like this. Just the two of us, no worries, just fun."

"Absolutely!" she replied, "And next time, you have to let me teach you how to eat properly."

"Ha! I'll take that challenge!" Aiden responded, a mischievous smirk appearing on his lips .

" Come on Meg, let's go over to ..."

Megan phone rang loud interrupting the conversation.

Megan picked her phone only to see the Ms.Sarah calling.

After contemplating for some time she finally decided to pickup.

"Megan, what have you done" Ms. Sarah voice sounded in panic

"What?, what the hell is going on" Megan asked worriedly.

"It's your dad, head over to the hospital" Ms Sarah hanged up leaving Megan stunned.

"What?, what have I done,my goodness" Megan said placing her fingers on her lips.

"I would never forgive myself if something happens to dad" Megan thought running her hands through her hair 

"Megan" Aiden called out staring at her expression

"Are you alright" he asked shaking her From her thoughts.

"Aiden it's my dad" Megan replied 

"Okay, what about him Meg"

"Give me the keys to your car,I need it" Megan said standing up from her chair 

Without hesitating she snapped it from his hands running outside.

Aiden dashed after her grabbing her hands, 

"I'll drive you there,I won't let you drive, in this condition Megan" 

"It's okay, I'll be fine" Megan responded rushing to the car.

She zoomed of leaving Aiden standing alone.