In a world where only the sharpest minds survive, Sora Hayashi stands as an enigma—a brilliant, calculating high school student with a ruthless approach to achieving his goals. Known for his unmatched intellect and cold-hearted tactics, Sora has just entered one of the most prestigious academies, a place notorious for breaking the weak and corrupting the strong.
As Sora navigates the Academy’s twisted labyrinth of mind games and psychological tests, he manipulates his rivals and outwits his instructors, leaving behind a trail of bewildered opponents and crushed spirits. But in this dark, high-stakes game, every move is watched, every weakness exploited. With each victory, Sora is drawn deeper into the Academy's web, where powerful figures may be just as ruthless—and just as brilliant.
*The Mastermind's Game* is a tale of intellect and survival, a psychological thriller where alliances are fragile, trust is a weapon, and mercy is a weakness. As Sora plays his cruel, calculated game, the question remains: will he remain the ultimate player, or become the ultimate pawn?