chapter 4

Finally she reached the lake. Though the scene in front of her made her want to turn around and go back.

She could see the city clearly from here. The once magnificent city now looked like some dilapidated ruins. The beautiful white marble buildings were stained with drying blood. The wooden houses burnt and crumbling.

She didn't have the opportunity to look around when she was inside the city, but now seeing her home in such a state made her collapse once more. 

It only took her an hour to come back around. She then looked at the empty hotel beside the lake. A popular vaccation spot. Her parents had promised to bring her here it she managed to get the highest score in the class. Something that would no longer be possible. she gazed upon all the decorations set up for all the happy couples that were getting married when all their relatives were visiting then honeymooning at the lake. 

She felt sadness deep within her heart. Tears streamed again as she let out a primal scream, finally letting all the pain she felt be known to the world. She buried her face into her trembling hands as her screams slowly turned into sobs as she finally came to terms with her circumstances.

Eventually she made it inside the building. She chose a room that was not decorated and searched the kitchen for some food. She managed to make a sandwich (the only thing she knew how to make). She found a boys short and a pair of pants that were a little too big but could be fixed with a belt. She would sort out the rest of her stuff in the morning.

As she drifted off to sleep she questioned why such a thing happened.

Charlotte sprung awake panting as clung her clothes to her body. Something wet dripped onto her hands and she realized that she was crying. Her body ached as she held her shoulders in an effort to ground herself. Her body curled up on the bed as silent tears fell.

When she opened her eyes again it was morning. She didn't want to get out of bed. Her mother would soon come in to wake her up for school. She then remembered that her mother was dead and that she would never see her school friends again.

Tired from all the crying she walked to the bathroom. Once she was finally clean she turned her attention to all her scrapes and bruises. She had seen some first aid kits at the reception. Grabbing one she made her best effort to patch herself up. 

She grabbed anything that seemed useful and stuffed it into her backpack, even the ones that she didn't know how to use. now her backpack contained

non perishable food

two water canteens

five first aid kits

three extra sets of clothes

a sleeping bag 

a towel

a small knife

A compass

And a camping supply set from the hotel shop.

With that she set off north.