chapter 7

Charlotte sat fighting on a bench in the guard office in Damerel. The guard that had saved her sat in front of her as he poured over paperwork occasionally asking Charlotte questions that she found difficult to answer.

By the end of the day the guard, called Alister as Charlotte had learned, was holding his head in frustration. The child sitting in front of him had only told him her name( fake name) and age and nothing else. He could not even push for answers as he knew that she would not be able to answer them.

It didn't seem like she had parents because when she was asked about them she only looked down. This action made everyone assume they were either dead or had sold her into slavery.

She had clearly been through a lot. So they decided to give her enough space and time to get acostomed to the new enviornment.

She was given a bed to sleep in for the night. It didn't matter as she could not fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. Her thoughts kept drifting to Ruth and how she would have been alive and across the border if she hadn't met her.

She tossed and turned the whole night, these thoughts circulating inside her head.

She didn't manage to sleep a single wink that night or the next few nights.

During that time she started to get to know the townsfolk. They were all nice to Charlotte and treated her well.

That was where Charlotte now known as Avery spent the next few years of her life.