The trail towards the answer

Anne's diary was down the path where shadows lengthened having no clue about what she found at Mr.Jackson's house.

Ella fliped the pages to find a spark in the darkness but but it was of no use. Ella,thirsting for truth,ringed Mrs.Jade(Anne's mother) to know the further story but to her surprise Mrs.Jade never opened the diary herself because-courage she feared was a distant shore, forever beyond her reach, to read the diary of her diseased daughter. Ella took a train straight to Mrs.Jade's house and handed Anne's diary. She sat beside Mrs.Jade and whispered courage into her weary soul, to open the diary which belonged to her fallen star. She began reading and unlocking her chains of doubt.

Mrs.Jade had a quiet conflicted face, she then decided to call Mr.Jackson. The phone rung but to their suprise Mr.Jackson never picked up ever after multiple rings. Later Mrs.Jade along with Ella went to Mr.Jackson's house. They rung the bell, the doors opened and then appeared a man shrouded in the dark with a huge built, long beard and lifeless eyes,who was none other than Mr.Jackson. The house was plunged into darkness and was dim and gloomy,the house,a tomb where light dared not to enter. He looked at us and his eyes widened, pools reflecting phantom.... but he let us in and switched on the buld which flickered weakly, the long disuse having dulled its glow . He took a deep sigh and sat on his mid-century armchair, awaiting queries.