
The moon lit my way back home. The day had been long and exhausting. I only saw the man for a few hours a day but it's enough to make me exhausted every single time. Once again, he refused to eat and poured the food. I don't even know why I wasted my time making food for him. I had a bit of hope that he'd just be good for once and eat. But he didn't, of course he didn't. He poured it, telling me to clean it up. It's a bit as if he liked to make me clean uncecessarily. I swear if he kept doing that, I might snap one day. I only held hack because it's important for my daughter, else… As I walked through the door, the familiar scent of home and the sound of my daughter's laughter greeted me, offering a momentary reprieve from the chaos of the day.

"Mommy!" Chelsea's voice was like a balm to my weary soul. She ran to me, and I scooped her up in a tight embrace, kissing her forehead.

"How is my big baby?" I asked, carrying her to the small living room.

"I am good, Mommy. Aunty Becca helped me with my homework." She beamed, her blue eyes sparkling with joy. "now I am completely done"

"That's great, baby girl." I turned to my friend "Hey Reb" I greeted.

"Hey Isa, nice day?" She smirked knowingly. I rolled my eyes at her.

"The usual. Have you girls eaten?" I put down the food I cooked at Kingston's. The one he refused to eat. If he didn't want it, other's would.

"Yes, I made some noodles earlier. What have you got?"

"We'll I brought this from work. Mr grumpy is on a diet" I rolled my eyes.

"Really?" She raised a brow as she opened the bags and bowls of food.

"This looks yummy, can I have some mommy?" Chelsea asked sweetly.

"Of course, I brought this for you" I rubbed her chin sweetly.

"Yay!" She jumped.

"Go get a plate and I will give you some" Reb told her and she ran to our little kitchen.

"So?" Reb's always up for gossips.

"I will tell you when she'll be at sleep"

"Arrgh!" She feigned frustration when Chelsea came back running with three plates. She's so thoughtful.

Rebecca served the food and we ate.

"It's delicious, Mommy. Too bad for Mr Grumpy." Chelsea said and we laughed.

"That's right. Too bad for him" Rebecca agreed and I just chuckled.

"Now, let's get you ready for bed, it's late" I told my daughter, when she finished her meal guiding her to our bedroom. This apartment have only two bedrooms and I share one with my daughter.

After a warm bath and a bedtime story, Chelsea was tucked into bed, her eyelids growing heavy. I kissed her goodnight and quietly left the room, closing the door behind me.

In the living room, Rebecca was waiting with a knowing look on her face. She handed me a cup of tea, and we settled onto the worn-out sofa.

"Tell me everything?" she asked

I sighed, taking a sip of the tea. "what do you want me to you? It's just ... the usual.. He's cold, demanding, and... well, just plain mean. He's got this way of making you feel like you're the most insignificant person in the room and it's infuriating. I mean, I waste my time cooking dinner and he pours it. He plainly act like a child, I swear, Chelsea is even more matured than he is."

Rebecca frowned. "maybe you should just stop making him dinner as he asked"

"the man doesn't eat in the morning. I don't know if he eats at work, how long would he survive without food. He'll get sick"

"you're too thoughtful. The man clearly doesn't want to do that but you keep it up saying he needs to eat. Don't you think he is grown up enough to know what's good for him?"

"Apparently not. Else he wouldn't keep acting like a child."



"Are you falling for your boss?"

"What? No!" the very idea was absolutely wrong "What are you imagining, Reb! I'd be damned if I fell for a man like him. No it's not happening!"

"well, you care a little too much for him"

"like I'd, for anyone."

She drew in a deep breath and sighed. "You know if it gets too much, you can just quit"

"I can't quit, Reb. This is the first good-paying job I've had since... well, you know. It's a chance to give Chelsea a better future. I have to stick it out, no matter how much he drives me crazy," I replied, determination in my voice. "Plus I won't let him win so easily"

Rebecca nodded, understanding in her eyes. "I get it. But don't get yourself in trouble. You're stronger than you think. And if he ever pushes you too far, just remember, you can always walk away. Or just call me so we can't remake his pretty god-like face" we giggled.

"Thanks, Reb. Your support means a lot to me," I said, giving her a grateful smile.

She laughed softly. "Anytime, Isa. Now, tell me a bit more about that chiseled chest" she wiggled her brow and my face heated up as I roll my eyes. Of course my friend wouldn't loose the opportunity to tease me.

We chatted for a while longer, and laughed until it was time to turn in. As I laid in bed next to my precious daughter, my mind wandered back to the penthouse and the man who seemed determined to make my life difficult. What's his problem? He could just ignore me and we will both have peace, eat his food and go to bed, but he seem to like winding me up. Despite his handsome face and the aura of power he exuded, there was something deeply unsettling about Sebastian Kingston. But I couldn't afford to dwell on that. I had a job to do and a daughter to support.

So if he's not happy, he can go to hell.