
The perpetual prelude of a Dreamer

As quiet as the night's wind, the sewn mouth of Leto couldn't mutter a single word.

He casually walked by Jecca and took the plane from her hand.

"This plane, I got from my mom on my birthday years ago. Isn't it a spectacle?"

Deep inside of Jecca's head, the only thing she could think of was it was just a normal plane but she just nodded to avoid being awkward.

"Well, I don't need it anymore, would you want to have it?"

Jecca was a little sceptical, wasn't this his precious little plane? Why would he just give something of this importance away?

Backing up Jecca reassured Leto that it wasn't needed and she was just admiring his stuff.

After some chatter, Orei and Jecca decided to leave but before they left, Leto's grandma treated them to dinner.

As usual, without manners, Jecca chowed down and asked for seconds whilst Orei ate mindfully. Leto always seemed a tad bit uncomfortable and in the middle of dinner, he excused himself to go to the bathroom.

His grandma thanked us for being his friend. She then explained that Leto had it tough the past few weeks. Leto wasn't feeling well and he had shut himself away from people.

Orei excused herself from the table as well leaving only Jecca and Leto's grandma.

There was this small little gap in the bathroom door. Wasting no time Orei swung the door open. She saw Leto huddled up in the corner with the monster with eyes in front of him.

Without saying anything, she closed the door and walked back to the dining room. Not saying anything about the Leto shaking in the corner of the bathroom.

Leto's grandma bid farewell to us. As the orange evening sunset, the fireflies started to emerge into the cold. Jecca hesitantly stopped Orei while walking.

"Orei, my brother he's visiting town again."

Jecca expected a dramatic reaction, but inside Orei there was nothing but emptiness. Those words only stopped her for a brief second before she continued to walk home without saying another word to Jecca.

"See you… Orei!"

The moment Orei got home and locked the front door behind her. She collapsed against it and curled up into a ball.

She wanted to be vaporized. There was this intense emotion inside of her. This pain that had been buried so deep within her had started to reemerge.

That night she heard someone knocking at the door. The digital clock display was 2 at night. She walked down the dark creaking stairs and made it towards the front door.

Strangely she heard a familiar voice behind the door. 

"Orei, it's me, Maro! Can u let me in?"

It was the voice of her brother. She looked through the peephole and saw it was Maro standing on the other side waiting for her to open the door.

She unlocked the door and turned the doorknob. Maybe her brother wasn't gone after all?

The moment she laid eyes upon the creature she had thought was her blood. She knew reality wouldn't change so easily. Her brother's eyes had been gouged out and his jaw had been ripped open. His neck had been snapped in half and was just dangling from the skin. 

She immediately slammed the door and locked it. Back in bed, Orei stared at the ceiling counting all the small details until her brain exhausted itself. 

The world in between her happiness and pain opened up. Her eyes filled with white as she reawakened. Oreiha saw all the paper surrounding her. She swung her arm trying to find her stuff underneath all the drawings. She found her journal which she had been keeping since day one. 

*Day 1054* I went and saw my friends.

*Day 1053* I went and saw my friends.

*Day 1052* I went and saw my friends.

It continued until the ripped pages. But finally, she found the knife she was searching for. Happiness awaited her on the other side. The knife cut her throat and as she fell the paper flew all over the place. 

Was this happiness now? Why was this one moment not deleted? Why is this part of her memories? Her world? Everything here was supposed to be the perfect world.

The silhouette of a man was standing in the corner of her room. Jecca was still sleeping peacefully beside Oreiha. 

Her vision went blurry as she felt the weight of another human on top of her. The pressure was put onto her wrists. The weight pinning her legs down. Nothing hurt more than seeing her best friend not noticing anything. 

Every second felt like her emotions were being torn like documents. Every thrust felt as if her body was losing value. With every sensation felt as if her life was darkening.

She wanted to scream she wanted to make her voice her but the thought of her best friend seeing her in such a shameless sight. Nonetheless, a person she cared for a lot. Oreiha didn't want to ruin that thought for Jecca.

"I will endure it for Jecca."

Was the thought coursing through Oreiha's head as the weight upon her limbs gradually vanished. 

She felt tainted, her body, her soul, her emotions, everything that she would feel onward felt undeserving. But she would bear it for someone.