
Lately, I swear senpai's starting to notice me more. How can I tell, you ask? Well… before, he used to give me the cold shoulder, passing by like I was just another brick in the wall. But now? Every time I pop up, I catch him frowning, his lip twitching as that unmistakable click of his tongue hits the air. He tries to dodge me, sure, but I'm always one step ahead, kinda forcing him to acknowledge my existence. Maybe that's why he's upping his guard, always looking over his shoulder like he's trying to avoid running into me.

Today, though, he's different—zoned out in front of his locker, clutching a piece of paper.

Could it be… a love letter, maybe?

He's so engrossed that he doesn't notice me edging closer. But then he crumples the letter up and stuffs it into a paper bag, biting his lip in clear frustration. Man, what's eating him? What did that letter say? As much as I'm dying to know, I'm not about to go yanking stuff out of his hands—that'd be way out of line and the last thing I need is for him to outright despise me for pulling a stunt like that.

Uh-huh, nope. I need a smoother approach.

I catch senpai just as he's slamming his locker shut. Leaning a bit too close, my face cuts right across his line of sight. His reaction is immediate—eyes narrowing, a sharp click of his tongue like he's annoyed, like always. Yet, there I am, grinning like an idiot, ready to launch into conversation despite his clear body language screaming 'back off'.

That's when I notice something off about his usual getup. No school blazer, no signature pullover hoodie. Knowing him, he's always bundled up in one of his hoodies, whether it's white, grey, yellow, pink, or orange—like he's allergic to a slight chill. But today, all he's got on is a crisp white shirt and a striped necktie, identical to mine.

And for the first time, with his shirt tucked tightly around his waist, I can't help but notice how slim he really is… makes this thought of pulling him close by that slim waist zips through my mind—

What?! No, stop that, Tetsurou!

Shaking off those wayward thoughts, I redirect my focus—there, the paper bag in his hand, a glimpse of crumpled navy fabric inside it sparking a safer topic.

"Uhm… isn't that your school blazer, senpai?" I ask, a bit too eagerly. He practically jumps, caught off guard. "Did you get it dirty on your way here? Oh, right… you were kinda late today, weren't you? Didn't catch you at the footbridge this morning."

"H-hah?" senpai frowns.

I can't pinpoint exactly which part of my rambling sets off his alarms, but something tells me it's the latter. Maybe he pegs me as some kind of stalker or creep? Whatever the case, it's clear I need to smooth things over fast if I'm going to win his trust—and get a peek at that crumpled letter hiding in his paper bag.

Alright, think, Tetsurou! His blazer's bunched up in that bag, likely dirty, and with today's chill, he's probably missing that extra layer. Maybe I can play the helpful card…

"Need help cleaning that, senpai?" I push on, hoping the offer sounds casual enough. Senpai jerks a bit, clearly caught off guard, but I'm not about to let the conversation die just yet. "I mean, it's pretty chilly today, right? You might need it."

"Uh, no… I can just—"

Crap, he's about to brush me off. If he declines, there goes my chance at the letter. Time to switch gears and secure the target!

Mission is a go!

Snatching the paper bag from his grip, I cut him off, "It's cool, really. Think of it as me showing a bit of respect. I mean, your club's picking up, right? Just needs one more member and an advisor, hm?"

"Tch, you just want to see us fail."

Ouch, that stings! But well, at least now he's looking at me, not the bag. Even if he doubts my motives, it shifts his focus. Sure, the club's survival is impressive given all the negative buzz, but right now, I need to play this just right to keep his attention.

With a slick grin, I swiftly squirrel away the paper bag behind my back.

"Nah, you've got it all wrong. I'm genuinely impressed, honestly," I boast, trying to keep the mood light. "But hey, looks like your club could use some hype. How about a spokesperson? Maybe get a little more spotlight on it."

"Spokesperson…?" He echoes, a touch sceptical.

"Uhm, yeah!" I beam, leaning in a tad too close. "I'd totally volunteer. Heck, I'd even model nude for you if it helped."

But, his response is as chilly as the school hallways in winter. "You know what? I'd love to kill you right now."

"Ha-ha, ouch!" I laugh it off.

I was expecting to get a good punch in my face, but senpai just strides away, his irritation palpable, leaving the paper bag forgotten in my sneaky grasp. And so, mission accomplished! With no time to waste, I dart off towards the outdoor sinks near the gym—a secluded spot perfect for a little privacy. As soon as I'm sure the coast is clear, I rip into the bag and fish out the letter, eager to uncover its secrets.