[RAIDS ONLINE @ Location: Area CC+353, Rock Castle]
Inside the ruins of what looks like a fallen medieval castle, which was built at the top of a hill surrounded by what can be seen now as desolate plains, the Guardian Beast team has met up for a discussion of their next Raid.
"Taking a whole week for a break after our first victory... I didn't think you two are that lazy, Lucent, BlueB*."
SilverPup, who's been sitting on the ruined king's throne, looks down at Luel and BlueHeroine while talking in a displeased tone.
"Didn't you tell her, BlueHeroine?"
"Sorry. I kind of forgot, Lucent."
With everything that happened, starting from Luel collapsing and being hospitalized for three days, Amy set aside everything so she can look after Luel. That includes forgetting to contact SilverPup and telling her why they haven't logged in to RAIDS ONLINE for a week.