Its 7 in the morning and Olivia Williams was still in her room sleeping. She drooled all over her pillow and her hair was a mess. Just then her maid walk into the room and gently opened the curtains.

"Lets me sleep a little longer" Olivia sounded lazy

"Your father wants you to join him for breakfast. He is waiting for you" the maid said with her face down.

"Ugh..... I wanna run away from this house" she finally got up and went to the bathroom.

"Go. I'll come down when I'm done" she angrily went to the bathroom.

Olivia was born rich. She was always refered to as daddy's princess because she got whatever she wanted. Unlike her brothers she was really spoilt. She got drunk last night and slept late and now she has to wake early for breakfast. She just wanted to run away.

She was happy and frustrated at the same time. She hated being a princess and wanted to explore more. She wanted to see the world and stop being a daddy's pet.

She had rich friends and they had freedom but not her, she was always training and practicing being perfect always. But she didn't like it. She thought of people who didn't have the privilegede she was enjoying.

"I have a bad headache. Dad will be furious"she said holding her head and closing her eyes since she felt dizzy.

Minutes later she came out from the bathroom and needed to calm her head so she put on something simple. Wore a simple makeup and went downstairs to meet her parents that were waiting for her

"Here comes my princess" her dad smiled as soon as he saw her

"Good morning father" she smiled and turned to her mother "Good morning mother"

" Where are my brothers" she asked as she saw that the boys were not at the table.

"Ahh.... Philip had to leave 👂 today for work and Jason hasn't come back from his sleepover" he said looking at his daughter.

"So now they do sleepovers?" She said rolling her eye balls. She never do those things, she'd sneak out to party and get her self drunk out of frustration because she was never allowed to do those things. Her father would always tell her that she is a girl and have a different life from the boys but she hated to hear that. Her mom didn't always say anything because she was never allowed to speak and oppose her husband's decisions.

Throughout the day, Olivia wasn't her self. She felt strange. She felt sick. But why? She didn't like taking medicine so she decided to keep it to her self she was in the garden when her phone and the person calling was her boyfriend Derick.

"Hello baby " Derick spoke first.

"Hi, what are you up to?"

"I miss you"

"But you saw me last night " Olivia sure had a clingy boyfriend.

"Yeah but I wanna see you again"

"You know I can't come out"

"I can come to you, right?"

"No, I'm not in the mood to see you"

"That's harsh"

"I'm hanging up" and Olivia ended the call. She didn't feel like doing anything. She was just walking down the hallway when something came to her head.

"When was the last time I had my period" she thought to her self trying to remember and then..... Boom.

" Fuck. Am I pregnant?!" She was panicking.

She needed to do something. Think think.

She couldn't go out without her bodyguard and no one should suspect her she was worried.

She ran to meet her father and gently asked. "Father, can I go out alone?

"Where do you want to go to that you need to go alone" he looked at her and she replied.

"I need to buy something"


"Sanitary pads"

"Can the maid not do that?"

"I want to do it myself "

" I won't be take long I promise " she pleaded with her father.

"Sigh ..... Alright. You can go but be careful I don't want any problems. I'm letting you go out alone."

" Thank you father" she then ran to pick her purse.

In the room she was picking her things while talking to her self

". I'm I Rapunzel? Begin stuck in this house"

She wasted no time to go take a test.

"Oh.. I'm dead, I'm so dead"

She was panicking as she saw the results.

She didn't know what to do. Her parents would be so disappointed in her. They shouldn't know. They must not know. No no no.

She quickly called Derick" I'm pregnant "

"What?! Why?"

" Are you asking me why?" She screamed.

"Its probably not mine"

"Are you rejecting the pregnancy?"

" Yes. Its not mine, I mean you have many male friends and I used protection that day"

Jasmine was speechless. She knew he was the father but he's rejecting it? She ended the call and broke down in tears, she was crying bitterly already wishing she could go back in time.

She locked herself in her room all day and refused to eating saying she on a diet but that wasn't the case she crying and thinking of ways to solve her problem.


"Hey, G"

Jasmine walked to her sisters room with a smile on her face

"What's up?"

"I need to pick a dress"

"For ..?" Giselle looked confused.

"A date. A date with Abel" she jumped in excitement.

"Oh really. I can believe that. Wow you really need to dress up for that date" she stood up ready to help

"Whatbwill the both you do?"

"Well it's a movie date. Just the both of us"

She smiled imagining her date.

"Okay. Let's go pick a dress" and they both ran to Jasmine's room".

"Long or short?" Jasmine asked holding two dresses and showing it to her sister.

"Short but not that one"

She looked at her closet and pick a short black dress suitable for a movie date.

"This one"

"I'll try it on and see if I like it. Haven't worn this dress before"

In no time she wore the dress and she liked it she wore a light makeup and was ready to go.

"Wish me luck "

"Good luck, I hope you get your first kiss today "

"Aw how sweet, I just hope it goes well".

Jasmine didn't want to expect much. She just wanted the date to go well.