Olivia crumpled on her bed, tears streaming down her face.

The pregnancy test lay on her nightstand, a harsh reminder.

Derrick's rejection still stung.

"How could you do this to me?" she whispered.

Her phone remained silent, no messages from Derrick.

Her parents knocked on her door.

"Olivia, sweetie, are you okay?" her mother asked.

Olivia wiped her tears.

"I'm fine, Mom. Just stressed."

Her mother's concern was palpable.

"Your father and I are worried. You've lost weight, and you seem distant."

Olivia forced a smile.

"I'll be fine, Mom. Just need some rest."

Her mother hesitated.

"Okay, dear. But if you need to talk..."

Olivia nodded, feeling guilty.

As her parents left, Olivia's gaze fell on the pregnancy test.

Abortion seemed like the only escape.

But the thought of ending her child's life...

Olivia's tears flowed anew.

She couldn't eat, couldn't sleep.

Her world was crumbling.

In desperation, she grabbed her phone.

"Astrid, please come over. I need you," Olivia begged.

Astrid Elena Vasquez, her rock, her confidante, her partner-in-crime since freshman year.

Astrid, with her wild curly hair, piercing emerald eyes, and contagious laughter.

Astrid, who had been Olivia's constant through thick and thin.

Who had stayed up late into the night listening to Olivia's heartbreaks.

Who had cheered her on through every triumph.

Who had kept her secrets safe.

Astrid, the free-spirited artist, with a heart of gold.

Who had a way of making Olivia see the world in vibrant colors.

Would Astrid know what to say?

Would she judge Olivia?

Or would she offer a shoulder to cry on?

Olivia waited anxiously.

Astrid's eyes widened as she took in Olivia's frail appearance.

"Liv, what's going on?" Astrid asked, concern etched on her face.

Olivia shrugged, avoiding eye contact.

"Just stressed, that's all."

Astrid's gaze lingered, skeptical.

"We've been friends for years, Liv. I know when you're hiding something."

Olivia fidgeted, unsure how to broach the subject.

Astrid settled beside her on the bed.

"I'm here for you, no judgments. What's eating at you?"

Olivia's lips trembled.

"I...I don't know if I can tell you."

Astrid's expression softened.

"Try me, Liv. We've shared worse secrets."

Olivia hesitated, weighing her options.

Could she trust Astrid with this?

Would Astrid think less of her?

The silence stretched.

Astrid's patience was unwavering.

"Olivia, I'm not leaving until you tell me."

Olivia's resolve crumbled.

"Astrid, I...I'm pregnant," she whispered.

Astrid's eyes widened.


Olivia's voice barely registered.


Astrid's face darkened.

"That jerk! He doesn't deserve you."

Olivia's tears flowed anew.

Astrid held Olivia tight, offering comfort.

"Do your parents know?" Astrid asked gently.

Olivia shook her head.

"No, they have no idea. And Derrick...he rejected the pregnancy."

Astrid's expression turned bitter.

"That selfish... "

Olivia's voice cracked.

"He doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby."

Astrid's grip tightened.

"I'm so sorry, Liv."

Olivia's tears slowed.

"Astrid, I don't know what to do. I'm thinking of...aborting the pregnancy."

Astrid's face softened.

"Oh, Liv, I'll support you no matter what. But are you sure?"

Olivia nodded.

"I don't see another way out. I'm not ready to be a mom, and Derrick's not willing to help."

Astrid's voice remained neutral.

"I'll stand by you, no matter your decision. But make sure it's what you truly want."

Olivia felt a wave of gratitude.

"Thank you, Astrid. Just talking to you helps."

Astrid smiled.

"That's what friends are for. We'll navigate this together."

As they hugged, Olivia felt a sense of relief.

For the first time, she didn't feel alone.

Astrid Elena Vasquez was the only friend of Olivia's that her parents knew and trusted. The two families had been acquaintances for years, their social circles overlapping.

Astrid's family, the Vasquezes, were renowned for their luxury hospitality empire, Vasquez Hotels and Resorts. Her parents, Jorge and Sofia, had built the business from scratch, and it had become a staple of high-end travel.

Astrid's upbringing had been one of privilege, but her parents had instilled in her a strong sense of empathy and social responsibility. She had always been drawn to Olivia's kind heart and creativity.

Throughout their friendship, Astrid had been Olivia's rock. She had been there for every milestone, every heartbreak, and every celebration.

Astrid's own life was seemingly perfect – beautiful, intelligent, and wealthy. But few knew about the pressures of being a Vasquez heiress. The expectations were high, and Astrid often felt suffocated by her family's legacy.

Despite this, Astrid remained grounded, thanks to her parents' guidance and her own sense of purpose. She had pursued art, her true passion, and was now a talented painter.

As Olivia's confidante, Astrid had always maintained confidentiality. But now, with Olivia's pregnancy and Derrick's rejection, Astrid felt the weight of responsibility.

She knew Olivia's parents, Reginald and Catherine, would be devastated if they discovered their daughter's secret. Astrid was determined to support Olivia, no matter the outcome.

Olivia had always been the life of the party, surrounded by a circle of friends who shared her love for nightlife. They'd sneak out to exclusive clubs, dancing the night away and sipping champagne.

But beneath the glittering facade, Olivia felt empty.

None of these friends truly knew her.

None of them had earned her trust.

Astrid was the exception.

Astrid, with her kind heart and listening ear.

Astrid, who saw beyond Olivia's mask.

Olivia had confided in Astrid about her darkest fears, her deepest desires.

Astrid had been her rock, her safe haven.

While Olivia's party friends would gossip and judge, Astrid remained loyal and discreet.

Olivia recalled the countless nights she'd spent with her club friends, laughing and pretending to have the time of her life.

But those friendships were shallow, built on shared indulgences rather than genuine connection.

Astrid was different.

Astrid saw Olivia's true self, and loved her unconditionally.

As Olivia faced this unexpected pregnancy, she realized that Astrid's friendship was her greatest strength.

Astrid's unwavering support gave Olivia the courage to confront her fears.

Astrid held Olivia's hands, her eyes filled with empathy.

"Liv, you'll get through this. You'll find someone who loves you for who you are, not like Derrick."

Olivia's tears slowed.

"Really? You think so?"

Astrid nodded.

"You deserve so much better. Someone who'll cherish and support you."

Olivia's face brightened.

"You always know what to say, Astrid."

Astrid smiled.

"That's what friends are for."

Olivia took a deep breath.

"I feel better now. Let's schedule the abortion."

Astrid nodded.

"We'll do it discreetly. My family's connections will help."

Olivia's eyes widened.

"Thank you, Astrid. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Astrid hugged her.

"We'll get through this together."

They began making secret arrangements.

Astrid's family had connections with a reputable clinic.

They'd ensure Olivia's anonymity.

No records, no trail.

Olivia's parents wouldn't find out.

As they planned, Olivia felt reassured.

Astrid was her rock.

Together, they'd navigate this difficult time.

Olivia's future seemed brighter.