Chapter 8

"I can't believe that Harry is married." Lupin muttered as Moody, who was the last to arrive, entered Snape's office. "And to Bellatrix Black of all people." He snatched the letter that Harry had written to Snape and read it for the third time. "What would James say?"

"I'm sure that he would consider it a great conquest." Snape sneered. "If it will make you feel any better, I get the impression that Bellatrix has changed somewhat. She may prove extremely useful." He took the letter from Lupin and returned it to his desk and retrieved the miniature hoop that served as a Portkey that had come with Harry's second letter.

Moody examined the Portkey suspiciously. "Are you absolutely sure that this came from Potter and that it will take us to him?"

"Who else would it be from?" Snape growled.

They stood in a circle and grasped the hoop. "Any idea how to activate this thing?" Lupin asked curiously. He didn't remember anything from the letter.

Tonks shrugged. "How about 'Lord Polairix?'"

The Portkey instantly activated and, a short jerk later, they found themselves standing in a small semi-formal dining room in which a large meal had been served for six. They all looked around in surprise. They had assumed that Harry had found a small shack or something. This room looked like it belonged in a palace.

"Welcome to Nair'icaix." Came Harry's familiar voice from one of the doors that had just opened to admit he and Bellatrix. "I'm glad that you decided to come."

They all turned and gaped at them. Instead of the dirty clothes that escapees of Azkaban would wear, they were wearing very elegant robes. Bellatrix looked particularly radiant in a dark red and gold robes, Harry was wearing black with silver lining and blue overtones.

"Aunt Bella!" Tonks exclaimed as she walked over and hugged Bellatrix. Tonks finished hugging Bellatrix and turned to Harry and hugged him too. "I suppose that you're my uncle now."

Harry's face screwed up in disgust. "That means that I'm Draco Malfoy's uncle!"

"Not my favorite nephew." Bellatrix commented. "Too arrogant and spoiled." She gave Snape a direct look. "Wouldn't you agree, Severus?"

"Of course."

Lupin and Moody were acting distinctly uncomfortable in Bellatrix's presence, so Harry quickly told everyone about their stay in Azkaban, how Bellatrix had betrayed Voldemort, and then of course their escape and marriage. "Let's eat dinner then, shall we?"

They all sat down and began to eat. "So what is Nair'icaix?" Tonks asked.

"If I'm not mistaken," Snape explained carefully, "Nair'icaix is a fortress alleged to be located approximately fifty miles north of Azkaban. Many of the ancient texts indicate that it is strongest fortress in the world."

Bellatrix nodded and continued the explanation. "The Fortress of Nair'icaix has traditionally been the home of the House of Polairix. Many Dark Lords have attempted to siege the castle. They all failed."

Lupin's curiosity was piqued. "What happened to those Dark Lords?"

"If my guess is correct," Snape commented, "the spells they attempted to use against the castle resulted in their own self-destruction." Bellatrix nodded.

"How would Hogwarts compare to this castle defense-wise?" Tonks asked.

No one quite agreed on the answer to this question so they had a friendly debate for the rest of the meal. They finally concluded that both Hogwarts and Nair'icaix had superb defenses, but those of Nair'icaix's were more advanced and stronger.

Once dinner was over, Harry and Bellatrix gave the visitors the grand tour of the castle using the information their rings were able to provide them. Some of the rooms they toured were new even to Harry and Bellatrix. They ended in Harry's private study.

"Have a seat." Harry said as he sat down and unconsciously conjured several chairs for them around his desk. "We need to talk about our goals and overall strategy now that I'm out of Azkaban. As much as I'm unhappy at the Order, Voldemort must come down."

"You automatically hold the upper-hand while your identity remains secret." Snape told Harry, using his knowledge from involvement in both the Order and Voldemort's ranks. The Dark Lord, Dumbledore, and Fudge, will not risk alienating you until they know more about you.

Lupin nodded in agreement. "Gather your resources and make your plans in secret. Don't come out in the open until you are sure that you're bigger than them."

"Meanwhile," Moody suggested, "I would train your magical skills as much as you can. That library you showed us should have more than a few good books with powerful spells." His voice was then slightly grudging as he nodded to Bellatrix, "She can provide invaluable instruction."

"What about wands?" Tonks asked sensibly. "As far as I know, your wands have been destroyed and then burned. Ollivander won't likely make you a new one due to Ministry restrictions."

"I've already taken care of that." Harry said confidently. "As we speak, a wandcrafter from the North is constructing wands for us."

Lupin's eyes widened. "You found a wandcrafter! Very few reach that level in the wand-making profession. Anybody can make a good wand, but few can customize them for a specific person."

After more discussion, they all decided that they would try to hold regular meetings and on their own, would round up those sympathetic to Harry's cause. Snape also promised that he would tell Neville everything pertinent and that Neville would be allowed to tell the members of Potter's Legion a few things as well. They then adjourned.

The next morning, following breakfast, Harry made his way down to his public study. Bellatrix had agreed to take on the task of hiring those who were interested in applying for the household positions; Harry would interview those for his staff.

He had just sat down in the imposing high-backed chair and created chairs for applicants to sit in when Reggins made an appearance. "Are you ready to began interviewing?" he asked Harry.

Harry held up the portion of the list that detailed staff positions to be filled. "I do believe so. How many applicants are there?"

"As of now," said the ghost thoughtfully, "three hundred and fifty-six."

"You're joking!" Harry exclaimed. "There are only a few positions that I need filled!" He waved the list at Reggins to demonstrate his point.

"Nevertheless, my lord, you owe them the courtesy of considering each one of them." The ghost stated. "You will also need to hire more people for more positions fairly soon. Azkaban will require human wardens once the British Ministry gives it up. Keep notes on everyone that comes."

Harry sighed. "Send them in. Start out with Nasil's daughters. After all, he asked first and they're probably the ones who spread the word."

"Very good, sir." Reggins said.

A few moments later, the door opened to admit two attractive women that Harry guessed were just barely eighteen. Their facial features were complemented with stunning silver hair and gray-blue eyes. They confidently made their way to his desk where he motioned for them to sit.

One of them spoke to Harry. "My lord, may I introduce my sister Bess. I am Tess."

"Twins?" Harry asked.

"Yes." said Bess neutrally. "Our father informed us that you were in need of positions to be filled. Although we might more traditionally fit in with your household staff, we are of the opinion that we could be useful for your personal staff."

"Assuming that the job comes with a fair salary, hours, and benefits, of course." Tess interjected. Bess nodded in agreement.

Harry made eye contact with each of them for a moment and performed a wandless Legillimency spell. He smiled as he studied their minds, which although well trained against intrusion, wasn't quite up to his level. Their act of indifference was just that, an act. They desperately wanted jobs under the Lord of Polairix and would even work for nothing just to get them. Apparently his name looked good on resumes up North.

"Do you have any particular skills?" he finally asked them. He felt their growing nervousness fade away when he broke the silence.

Both of them nodded in the affirmative. "We both served as professor assistants at Corsai for two years." Bess supplied quickly. "We would perform exercises such as grading papers, helping with Department business, and other various tasks.

"I'm afraid that I'm not familiar with Corsai." Harry replied.

"It's a University of Magic." explained Tess. "We have the same standard seven year system that most countries utilize in our magic schools. However, the students who test high on their OWLs are presented with the opportunity to attend Corsai for more advanced classes."

Hermione would have loved it, Harry decided sadly. It was a shame she had chosen to stand against him. After all, she had done very well on the OWL tests. He shook off his morose thoughts and examined the list for anything that would fit Tess and Bess's skills.

After a moment of searching, 'Personal Assistants,' popped up. The description sounded perfect for them, and he could really use them to help with the job interviews. As an added bonus, he needed two. "How would being my Personal Assistants suit you?" Harry asked them.

They both nodded excitedly and beamed at him. "That would be perfect, my lord!" Tess said on the behalf of both her and her sister. "When would you like us to start?"

"Now, if at all possible." Harry said. "I'll arrange with Reggins for your salary and other important concerns.

The twin women looked at each other happily. "We're prepared to start, my Lord." Bess said. "What do you need us to do?"

Harry grabbed a sheet of parchment from a pile that appeared, a quill, and then quickly wrote out an application form that would help him sort through the applicants. "Make a lot of copies of this and then distribute it to everyone looking for a job. Have them fill it out and submit it to you." He held up his list of positions to be filled after crossing their new positions off. "Make a copy of this and post it. For each position they apply for, they have to fill out an application. Sort out the ones you collect."

Bess and Tess began their first project immediately while Harry watched until they left to distribute the applications. Things would be a lot more easier, Harry concluded.

"I must warn you, Cornelius. The action that you are about to take is extremely rash." Dumbledore said coldly to the Minister of Magic. "The Lord of Polairix is not someone to be trifled with, no matter who he is. Not only that, we cannot afford to alienate him!"

"Come now," Fudge replied angrily, "I am the Minister of Magic and I won't have some wizard who calls himself a 'lord' bossing me around. We haven't heard anything from him since his first communication. I'm willing to bet that it was a practical joke. The Aurors will remain on Azkaban."

Dumbledore sighed heavily. "Do what you will. I just hope that you're brave enough to face the consequences."

"Of course I'll face the consequences." Fudged chuckled. "I'll be viewed as a strong figure who won't be cowed by a fake overlord." He pulled a sealed parchment from his cloak and handed it to Percy who had been standing with him. "Deliver this to the Lord of Polairix."

A week later, Harry still had not quite managed to fit in with his new schedule, but he was getting close to it. At Bellatrix's suggestion, he had allotted certain times of the day toward certain things. In the morning he carried out any important business that his new staff saw fit to bring to his attention. At this point, it was mostly balancing the budget. They assured him that there would be much more to do when things got going.

During this time, Bellatrix would do whatever she felt like. Usually she settled down in the library or worked with the new servants.

The afternoon and usually most of the evening was dedicated to learning magic, magical theory, and anything else that applied. The books in his library contained a plethora of spells and curses. Once he had his new wands, he would have more than a few tricks up his sleeve. Bellatrix had been most helpful in that regard.

Snape and Lupin had visited a couple of times to update Harry on the Order's actions as well as basic news from Britain. Nothing major had really happened. Snape reported that Neville's defense group was growing larger every day, this pleased Harry.

He was just wondering what to do next when Tess entered his private study with her father in tow. Harry stood up and greeted him warmly. "Am I correct to assume that the wands are ready?"

"Yes, my lord." Nasil said, barely succeeding in hiding his excitement. "They are completed and I am most eager to see how they work for you and your lady."

"Could you send someone for my wife? I think that she's brewing some potions in the dungeon." Harry said to Tess.

"I've already sent for her." Tess said, grinning broadly. She and her sister had been on top of things from the very start. They took great joy in being one step ahead of Harry.

Just then, Bellatrix entered the room and joined Harry. "That will be all." she said, nodding to Tess. Harry's assistant bowed and left, leaving Harry, Bellatrix, and the wandcrafter alone in the room.

Nasil promptly pulled out two elegantly carved wooden boxes. The first was made from a finely varnished cherry, the other from ebony. "You first, my lady." he intoned. He set the ebony down on the desk and handed the cherry to Bellatrix.

She opened the wooden box and gasped. Inside sat the two most beautiful wands she had ever seen. The cherry wood the wands were made from gleamed from extreme polishing and had been carved with elegant designs. "These are beautiful, Nasil!"

He nodded eagerly, "Twelve and a third inches, cherry and phoenix feather, rather delicate- but certainly powerful. They are also distinct because they are sister wands. Give them a try."

Bellatrix gingerly picked one of them up and waved it. Gold sparks shot out of it. She set it down and tried the other one, same result. "Thank you!"

"It was my pleasure." Nasil said. He motioned for Harry to take the ebony box. "Your wands are in there, my lord."

"Did you find anything that would match me for the cores?" Harry asked as he opened the wand case. Inside lay a wand made from pure black wood, the black ash he assumed. The other wand was white. It was the ivory one.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I did." Nasil said excitedly. "Just to humor me, try the black one first. Save the best for last."

Harry picked up the wand made from black ash. "What's it made of?"

"The core is basilisk venom."

Bellatrix gasped and looked at the wand and then to Nasil suspiciously. "Isn't that dangerous?"

Nasil shrugged. "It was one of the closest matches. Don't worry though. I realized that the venom is of course extremely unstable, so I embedded silver into the wood to stabilize it. Give it a wave."

"Okay then." Harry said. Black, silver, and green sparks came from the tip of the wand as if shot from a cannon. Harry closed his eyes as he felt a sense of euphoria shoot through his veins. He was powerful. After a minute of basking in the feeling, he opened his eyes and set it down in the box. "I love it."

"I'm glad." Nasil said. "I must warn you though. Don't become addicted to it and its power. It will destroy you. The combination of silver, venom, and black ash make for a very brittle wand. You could say that the wand represents half of your personality. Use it the power that comes with it for good and you'll be fine."

Harry looked at the wand apprehensively and familiar feelings from his second-year at Hogwarts surfaced. Was he evil? "I'll try to remember that."

"Now for the last wand, my lord. I do think that this one is the best wand I have ever made, if I do say so myself."

"What is it made of?"

Nasil shook his head. "I would rather that you try it first. I was able to find the core for your other wand quite easily, but this wand was different. The core came to me. It was a miracle. I'll tell you after though."

"As you wish." Harry said as he picked up the white wand. No sense of euphoria rushed into his body, but a slightly recognizable, yet unfamiliar feeling crept in. Harry couldn't quite identify it, but it made him feel… indestructible. Just to be sure that it was a wand with some power, he cast the simplest charm he could think of. "Lumos."

White light exploded from the end of the wand and blinded everyone. The sun was nothing to Harry's new wand. "Nox." he whispered in an awed voice as he set it down in the case next to the black one.

"Will you tell me what's in it now?" Harry whispered to Nasil as Bellatrix continued to stare at the wand and then to Harry in turn.

Nasil was grinning uncontrollably. "Ivory, thirteen and a seventh inch, and a core of Phoenix Fire sealed in with gold and platinum. The wand is indestructible. You'll have to practice with that one to develop its full potential though."

"Phoenix Fire?" Bellatrix repeated. "I'm not familiar with it."

"No one is." Nasil explained. "It's a new substance that I've discovered. That's the miracle. Just when I began to work on the ivory for my lord's wand, seven phoenixes appeared in my workshop. It was as if they knew who the wand was for. They provided me with phoenix tears. After that, they somehow… demonstrated a magical process that lit the tears on fire. Thus, Phoenix Fire."

"Wow." Harry said as everyone fell silent.

The door then opened to admit a wide-eyed Bess. "My lord! The Ice Queen is here and seeks and audience with you!"