The Humiliation 1

Gwen turned her back on the annoying receptionist calling out her name and pulling more unwanted attention towards her. She ignored the ridiculing stares that followed suit and the insulting side comment, as she strutted out of the building with her shoulders held high.

As she approached his sleek red Ferrari, commanding the usual attention of a boss lady, even though she was a crumbling mess within, she turned to her security escort.

"You rejects can put the box in the trunk of my beautiful car and get lost." Gwen hissed as she unlocked her car with the remote control.

"Okay, ma'am." The first security guard replied to her sneers with a pitiful smile while the other angrily dropped her box on the floor, some of the contents flying out as he replied to her fearlessly.

"I'm sure you can pick them up yourself, Miss Goody two shoes."

"What? You ingrate! Come back here." Gwen shouted after the chubby man, who paid her deaf ears as he sauntered off.