A Rude Gentleman.

Tyler spun around, to see who this Blaze guy that has succeeded in capturing every single lady's attention on the table was.

"Oh..." Tyler saw the reason why. The man before him wasn't just good-looking but could be compared to a supermodel with an edge. He didn't recognize the face even though the name, Blaze, struck a bell in his memory.

'But where have I heard of that name before?' Tyler pondered.

Murmurs rippled across the table and a few nearby tables, with most of the ladies ogling at the handsome CEO, who was rarely seen socializing with women except if it meant business.

Amelia sat, rooted to a single spot as she held Blaze's masked stormy gaze. His eyes were a bit flared with indignation and for a moment, it seemed the world had gone silent around them.

Amelia drank in Blaze's captivating look, a reminder of his charming nature.