The initial JM referred to his real name, Jerry Morgan and only someone from Salvine City, who had his current address would send him this.
So far, only Tyson amongst all his friends knew his location. But what if Tyson had been compromised by someone dangerous looking for him?
"Here you go, sir." The lady picked up the brown package and handed it over to him.
"Thanks." Jerry faked another smile and left for his hotel room.
Inside the safety of the hotel room, Jerry dropped the package on the round centre table and quickly armed himself with a gun. He did a frantic sweep around the room, ready to blow out anyone's brain who was hiding inside the room.
When he found nothing out of place, he hurriedly picked up his travel backpack and stuffed it with a few of his clothes, toiletries, all his cash and credit cards, and travel documents. He changed to a black hoodie and jean trousers, paired with running shoes.