Unofficial Announcement

"She didn't just say that."

Amelia gnashed her teeth in rage, the turmoil in her heart taking a dangerous turn as she observed Pamela's alarmed reaction from the corner of her eyes.

"Are you trying to say this mysterious bride stole Mr handsome from some other lady?" Pamela lowered her voice even further leaning towards Joanna.

"You will be surprised at the extent some selfish people would go to claim other's possession." Joanna sneered as she tilted her head briefly to look in Amelia's direction before facing forward.

Pamela also followed Joanna's stare, realization slowly dawning on her. She had been wanting to find out from Joanna why the latter had been hostile to her former best friend. It was unlike the pair who had been inseparable for years. She also remembered a friend telling her that Amelia had remarried after divorcing her scum of a husband and this marriage happened recently.