Blaze could feel his heart aching as he watched Amelia slowly bring down her hand, her grip on her phone tightening. He observed the way her body shook as she wept silently, keeping her back to him.
He was tempted to go down to the senator's office and have the old slimy geezer thoroughly dealt with for making his wife cry. But wouldn't that complicate things for him seeing how much she cared about her infuriating father?
Blaze hated the fact that Amelia cared so much for a weak father who couldn't man up to his responsibility and fix his home. A father who couldn't tell an evil child from a good child. A father who couldn't tell his harlot of a wife was banging his younger brother. A father who couldn't protect her from his many enemies. A father whose fate was already sealed based on his past injustice to Presley Anderson.
Nevertheless, amid this hatred, lay a budding excitement. An excitement that was slowly consuming his pounding heart.