Luna was pure.
Her emotions were as transparent as her ethereal presence.
Harry's words cut through the air like a blade, sharp and precise. His question halted Arthur mid-introduction, leaving everyone momentarily stunned.
The weight of his words fell upon Luna, making her flinch. She instinctively moved behind her father, seeking shelter.
Hermione was taken aback. She turned to Luna, disbelief in her expression.
Many people feared Harry.
The reckless Gryffindor lions turned docile in his presence.
Even the cunning Slytherins bristled like threatened snakes.
Hermione had seen plenty of people afraid of Harry. But Luna—Luna's fear was different.
"You're afraid of Harry?" Hermione leaned in closer.
Luna met Hermione's gaze, visibly calmer. When she spoke, her voice had the same airy, otherworldly quality as Trelawney's—except it wasn't forced. It was simply how she spoke.
"Yes," Luna admitted. "I'm a little afraid of him."
"Why?" Hermione glanced back at Harry.
Tall, handsome, with a few scars lining his face—but they weren't grotesque. If anything, they added to his appeal. Hermione felt a familiar pang of sympathy—but others seemed to think the scars made him cooler.
He still looked like the same Harry to her.
"He's dangerous," Luna said matter-of-factly, clutching the hem of her father's robe. "More dangerous than a Thestral infected by Gnark Hooks."
"…Gnark Hooks?" Hermione frowned. The word sounded like some sort of parasite, but it wasn't one she recognized.
"A very dangerous, very mischievous creature," Luna answered seriously.
Harry interjected, explaining, "It's an unproven species. There's a legend that a wizard named 'Eli Gugge' once encountered one. He was accidentally infected—and three days later, he went insane and died."
"But aside from Eli Gugge's personal notes, there's no record of them ever being found."
Hermione furrowed her brows. "I don't recall reading about that in any book."
"Hagrid told me about it," Harry said. "He and Mr. Scamander are very interested in them. But so far, they're completely baffled."
"It infects Thestrals?"
Luna shook her head solemnly. "No, it's not an animal. It's a plant—a parasitic one. It usually grows inside mistletoe berries."
"…Mistletoe berries?" Harry committed the detail to memory. "Thanks. I'll let Hagrid know."
"You're welcome," Luna replied, still wary.
Hermione gave her a gentle smile. "See? Harry's easy to talk to. He's not—"
"No," Luna cut in, her voice firmer. "He is dangerous."
She hesitated for a moment, then lowered her voice. "I can't feel any kindness from him."
She raised a hand and pointed at Hermione and the others. "Except towards you. Beyond that, I feel nothing—no kindness at all."
No kindness?
Xenophilius Lovegood's face paled as realization struck. He stared at Harry in shock.
Luna inhaled deeply. "There's no malice either. It's just… just emptiness. Like a stone. And that's terrifying."
Hermione struggled to follow Luna's logic. She carefully analyzed her words, then hesitantly asked, "You mean… because Harry doesn't show kindness or malice toward people he doesn't know, you find him frightening?"
"No, not strangers." Luna shook her head. "We've met before. We go to the same school."
Hermione opened her mouth, then hesitated.
…How was that any different from a stranger?
Not showing emotion to acquaintances—wasn't that normal?
Like herself, for instance—
Luna tilted her head. "Harry is different from you."
"I can feel it. You liked me a little before. Now you don't like me as much."
"But Harry—" Luna's gaze flickered toward him. "—is just empty."
"I don't dislike you," Hermione said quickly, forcing a reassuring smile.
Luna curled her lips slightly but said nothing, keeping her eyes carefully averted from Harry's.
Arthur cleared his throat and resumed introductions. "This is Ron, my son. You two have met before."
Ron gave them a stiff nod, clearly not thrilled about the formalities.
"And this is Remus Lupin, former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts."
Luna's silver eyes lit up. "Professor Lupin! It's been so long." She beamed.
"My father said Professor Moody was persecuted by the Ministry and can't return this year. Will you be coming back?"
"You were the best professor we ever had."
Lupin's smile faltered slightly. He shook his head. "I'm afraid not. But this year's professor is excellent."
"…Is it because you're a werewolf?" Luna mumbled under her breath. "How can they treat an innocent, sick man like this?"
Both Harry and Hermione turned to her in surprise.
Very few witches or wizards saw werewolves that way.
In the eyes of most, werewolves were cursed, dangerous, and inherently evil. Even in third-year Defense Against the Dark Arts, Snape had never mentioned lycanthropy as a disease.
Arthur moved on to the last introduction. "Xenophilius, this is Rita Skeeter—the most famous journalist in the wizarding world."
Rita smoothly took over. "Arthur, I'm the most famous journalist, period. Not just female journalists—no one compares to me."
Xenophilius's eyes sparkled. He eagerly leaned in. "I heard the Ministry and The Daily Prophet tried to silence you. Is that true?"
Rita's smile was as sticky-sweet as Dumbledore's treacle fudge. "Oh, just a minor disagreement. We had some editorial differences."
"I need a brave, uncompromising platform—one that isn't afraid to stand against corruption and censorship. Somewhere I can publish the truth the public deserves to know."
Xenophilius nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! The Quibbler exists precisely to defy the mainstream!"
Rita's eyelid twitched.
…This was the first time she'd met someone who could say the phrase "defy the mainstream" with such utter conviction.
"…Let's discuss payment," Rita sighed, regaining her composure.
Xenophilius pulled out a notebook. "As an all-seeing observer, I must ask—have you ever encountered a Wrackspurt?"
"…An all-seeing observer?" Rita muttered through gritted teeth.
Xenophilius grinned. "That's your new nickname! It suits you, doesn't it?"
"It's perfect for you!"
Rita inhaled deeply. "I'm sorry, but I have never seen a Wrackspurt."
"What's a Wrackspurt?" Ron asked blankly.
Hermione shook her head and turned to Harry.
Harry also shook his head. "I have no idea. Hagrid's never mentioned it."
"A magical creature from Nordic countries," Luna's voice drifted in like a whisper. "My father says they exist. People just haven't found them yet."
Ron flinched. "When did you get here?"
"Just now," Luna answered simply.
"…You're not afraid of me anymore?" Harry asked.
Luna nodded. "You showed me kindness—just now, when I spoke about Professor Lupin."
"…He's my uncle," Harry acknowledged.
Hermione subtly nudged Ron's shoulder, signaling him to switch places so she could sit closer to Harry.
"You believe what I say so easily?" Luna asked curiously. She counted on her fingers. "You're usually logical and skeptical. I thought you'd dismiss me."
Harry studied her, unsure what she meant.
Ron leaned in. "You guys don't know about Luna, do you?"
Xenophilius suddenly perked up. "Hmm?"
"…I mean Luna," Ron clarified quickly.
Xenophilius nodded and turned back to Rita, resuming his enthusiastic Wrackspurt discussion.
Ron sighed. "Looks like you two are too busy studying to know—Luna is famous at Hogwarts."
"For being clumsy, like Neville?" Harry guessed.
Ron gave him a baffled look. "Why would you think that?"
"She's a fourth-year now, right? Every year, at the end of the term, she posts a notice on the bulletin board, asking people to return her missing belongings." Harry recalled the detail from his memory.
Ron shook his head, glancing at Luna with hesitation.
"There's no need to sugarcoat it, Ron." Luna's voice remained calm. "Those are pranks from my housemates."
"They don't like me very much. They call me 'Loony Lovegood.'"
Ron and Hermione turned toward Luna, then back at Harry.
It was rare to meet someone like him—someone who could so matter-of-factly talk about their own suffering.
The way she described it made it sound like a harmless joke, but those weren't pranks.
They were bullying.
"…Why do you call me 'Little Ronnie'?" Ron finally asked, breaking the silence.
"Your brothers and sister call you that." Luna tilted her head. "I thought you liked it."
They continued chatting, and an hour later, Rita finally finished negotiating with Xenophilius.
As they parted ways, Hermione glanced back at Luna and her father, watching them disappear into the crowd.
"That girl is strange," Hermione muttered under her breath.
"She has sharp instincts," Harry remarked, nodding slightly. "A bit like Trelawney when she's actually having a real vision."
"Does she have Divination talent?" Hermione asked, intrigued.
Rita stomped her foot in frustration, her complaints louder than their conversation.
"Potter, do I really have to work for The Quibbler?! I cannot stand that man!"
"He spent half the time rambling about Wrackspurts and Blibbering Humdingers!"
"Do you know he actually wanted me to go out and find one? Utterly ridiculous! How does that magazine even sell a hundred copies a month?!"
For 20 advance chapters: