so there are still electronics...wait do you have all your screws?

as Alexandrove woke up he re-checked the list he made the priviest night to see if he missed anything, then he headed out to buy them.

a thing he noticed was that everything was on sale, there were no restrictive laws on the market apart from price gouging and even then the way they enforced it was mesmerizing.

they had implemented a system know as the standard, it was a seal that the mulita gave to curtain items that they bout in bulk based of that other items were categorized in price around the standard either higher or lower in price once compared to the standard of that item.

this system kept the market somewhat fair when it came to the trading of goods, of cores there were items that did not have a standard for a myriad of resonse, either there rare statues and or lack of popularity.

Alexandrove decided to go with the standard for most of he's gear so he would get a fair price and he really needed a cheep price, first things first he went to a seamstress store so he could get some reliable and durable clothing.

as he entered the first thing that he noticed was the smell it smelled like oregano and peppermint understandable for a clothing store, as he went over to the front desk he noticed that there was more then just clothing for sale there were also cans of food? he couldn't really tell so he just pressed the bell.

after a few minutes an old lady came out of the back, she was dressed in a simple yet timeless white church dress she had a camel back from the years over a table, she came to the desk to see to the customer.

" Welcome sir how may I help you this morning "

she asked with a wide smile on her face a smile she had perfected over the years of dealing with both kind and costumers as well as arrogant pricks.

" hello I would like to buy some reliable clothing for a expedition in the black zone i do not have any preferences and i will leave it to your discretion ma'am " 

the moment she heard for what he needed the clothing for her eyes went wide with a mixture of fear and concern as she looked at Alexandrove with teary eyes as if he know the man for years and she just found out he was dyeing.

" if you don't mind young man may i know why you are going out of the city its rather rare for people so young to be driven to the point of been forced to go into that hell. the last person I knew that wanted to go out, tried to become a stalker and we didn't even have the time to say good bye."

" am sorry ma'am but i am trying to become a stalker as well although I don't have any self righteous ideals i just want to see the world with my own eyes "

" pardon me for crying young man it's just kind of sad, in any case i have some recommendations for the type of clothing you requested please come to the back I will get you sorted mister..."

" Alexandrove, ma'am "

" yes mister Alexandrove, you may always tell me if something is not to your liking...ow and my name if Kunvia, Anna Kunvia. "

after about two hours Alexandrove had chosen a fair amount of stuff, a pair of dark gray galife( trousers with brake straps & belt) a wool gimnasta( shirt )of the same color and a pair of kirza jackboots with two sets of portyanki to go with them as well as a fair few items lady Kunvia had laying around, a old loadbearing system of an over belt with suspenders, an aluminum canine, a shovel, a mess kit, food rations, a plash-Palatka and a pair of old lather gloves, and finally a backpack/duffle bag to keep everything.

finally it was time for him to pay the bill as Ms.'s Kunvia was adding up the bill in a rather old mechanical calculater when she turned to him and said.

" normally it would be 4 gold plates, but for you it will be 2 remined me of my son you see...he also wanted to explore the world but he never even made it of the street. he died last year from the radiation spike that coused cancer he wasn't much older then you are now I think... he was so ready so exited to see the world...OW that reminds me please wait a moment. "

Alexandrove was shocked not for the price or the story he heard. well maybe the last one, but he was most distrot at the unfairness of the world not only for the lady's son but also for her, he never had children but he knew that the lose of a chilled was devastating for a parent.

after like 5ish minutes Ms.'s Kunvia came back with a rectangular wooden box that she laid in front of Alexandrove as he opened it he was shocked at what he found, an almost 1/1 replica of a tulsky tokorove model 1933 with the belt holster and sling as well as two magazines as well as a long mix hand single edge bayonet but that wasn't the the most surprising thing, that was the long anti-material rifle that was were the bayonet connected to it looked like a PTRS-41 it was thrown together but it was gorgeous both the guns had two cases of ammunition with them around 10rounds for the PTRS and about 40rounds for the tokorove.

" my son always went to professor kiminuk to see the CBRN equipment as well as professor famin with his...what were they called...ow yes Electronics. "

Alexandroves eyes shot up in a daze at the mention of the word and he asked instantly about this famin, the last thing lady kunvia knew was that famin had opened a store when he retired in the industrial district back alleys she handed the rifle, pistol and the bayonet to Alexandrove and wished him well, as was leaving after he payed he heard Ms.'s kunvia say under her breath.

" please come back safe "

{evening of the same day} 

Alexandrove went to the store of professor kiminuk to buy CBRN gear the professor was a man of few words they only exchanged pleasantry's but as soon as he asked for recommendations the professors eye lite up he gave him a lot of equipment and explained in detail how they worked those included. a gas mask system similar to gp-5, AI-2 med-kits and anti-chemical packages as well as bandages for 2 gold plates as well as explaining when professor famins shop was, all and all it was pretty uneventful.

{same day night time}

Alexandrove walked down the ill light back alley near the central tower and then he finally found the shop he was looking for a store that looked to have had better days with a sign that read.(ELECTRONICS OF THE OLD WORLD)

Alexandrove wanted to see what this famin had, he was specifically looking for a PDA like device that he could rely on, pen and paper were nice but hard to use in the filed and he should know.

the first thing he noticed when entering was the smellet of tabaco and burnt ozone he could see a figure in the back tinkering with something. he was siting on a desk with varies books on it, he could see some of there titles such as bio 101, introduction to genetics,on the desk there were circuit boards as well as tools, he tried to get his attention dice he was starting to get feed up and so he yelled.

" FAMIN!!!! "

that seemed to get his attention as the old man came closer to see Alexandrove the man was hunched over like a shrimp but had eyes that seemed to stare into your soul a long gray unkempt beard and yellow teeth from smoking a pipe, he put it down and asked.

" what do you want brat, I sware if your here to make another pitch on why i should sell my shop I will not hesitate to..."

Alexandrove was tired so he cut to the chance.

" I heard you make Electronics, is that true or did I waste my time?"

at the mention of his life's work old man famin smiled and asked.

" what do you need or are you wasting MY time?"

Alexandrove a bit irritated he roled his eyes took a long breath to calm his nerves and then explained what he needed.

" I need a way to keep track of information on the road and writing on paper doesn't always work so I will need a PDA a {personal digital assistant} if you now what that is, and any information you may have on the black zone as I plan on becoming a stalker."

when famin heard what he said he looked incredulous and a bit skeptical... and in less the a second, out of nowhere he grabed Alexandroves head and dragged him down to his eye level staring at his eyes like he was trying to find out if Alexandrove had a soul...

the hole ordeal took less then 10 seconds, after that famin throw Alexandrove and started laughing.



 " ow don't be such a bitch I have something like what your asking, even though I don't know what a PDA is, but it will cost you dearly and i don't think a pansy like you can handle it"

" ow please your just some old fart that nobody remembers Exists."

"HAHAHA....YOUR NOT WROMG KID. but what I am talking about is the only one of it's kind my boy, my magnum opus.... "

" .....well what is it ?"

"the terra-aurora cardinal"