Alexandrove got curious so he went to the home page and selected states
[terra-aurora system V0.52.1]
[host: Alexandrove bellkenin Rank 1]
[strength: 4,2]
[speed: 3,9]
[endurance: 8,0]
[dexterity: 5.0]
[intelligence: 7,9]
[host weight:78.2kg]
active: cartilage braise( the ability to lock up the extremely tough cartilage terriads posses making it so that all blunt force impacts are reduced by 50%)
passive: bio-metallic( the hosts muscular structure has taken on the resistance of metal 100% resistance to calibers lower then 45ACP/compleatly risistant to slashing Attacks under 30kg of force)
bio-gyroscopic(host body can auto-stabilize external impacts that do not exceed the hosts body weight)]
for all intents and purpeses the change in strangth and endurance was nothing to snease at but still he had to many unanswer questions, for example what was the collectives intenchions, how did fumin come acrose the divice and what the hell was the magi.?
"well in any case congradulasions your now a stalker for better or for worse, we have to get moving it's unwise to stay in one place too long without protective infrastructure "
Alexandrove had compleatly forgoten why he had gone out in the first place, sarels words brought him out of his daze the storm had supsided and they slowly started to pack up to head out, there goal, the stalker forword operarting base on the marsh land of kastanon also known as the yellow poison, the harsh condisions did not alow a lot of eruptides to get through but the ones that happend to pass were erased by the large number of stalkers of various ranks.
after they made sure they had everything packed up and secure they both checked on how much ammunision they had, Alexandrove used two of the 10 rounds for the PTR-41 so he had 8 rounds for the big boy and fourty for his handgun, sarel had 10 striper clips for his mosin and around 20 loose 11mm shells for his revolver.
the revolver wasn't anithing very uniqe it looked like a 4.2 line revolver the only diffrence was that this revolver had its triger guerd extended to cover the entier hand of the user, as well and haveing it's joint pin replaset multiple times juging by it's shiny appearence in contrast with the rest.
after they packed up everything they put out the fire and slowly came out of the cave checking there seroundings for any sighs of eruptides, the black mines of lanthen were a very dangurace area due to the terriad eruptides they were some of the most physicaly resilian form of eruptides although they were not the only threat.
(2 hours earlyer)
"ok seems like you don't know much about eruptides, that has to change fast so there are more then one kind of eruptide with warring traits, nobody really knows from what they came from they only know of the three asspects that identify them as eruptides.
one: that they passively excreat syleon from just existing which is also bearly understood if they consumed it from the planets mantel or they create it some how...
two: they want to consume any living organic metirial prefurably from living creatures, although they don't seem to hunt and consume each other the only times they fight is when it's over who gets the bigger's usualy the stongest.
and three: they dispise anything artificial, even going out of there way to destroy it which even an idiot can tell why they don't like the citys."
"well that makes sence" Alexandrove payed close attention he knew that this informasion was important for keeping him alive.
" now to the plan, our goal, the forwared operating base near kastanon we will have to pass the black fog that serounds kastin as well as cross the boneyard that blocks the path to calsaris and calorin after that it's a strait line to kastanon."
sarel was saying this while he pulled out a map showing the conitnent and the locasions of both the citys as well as the areas that were the most problematic, Alexandrove pointed at the black spot at the center of the map with couries gaze.
seening this sarel explained
"that is what we call the epicenter that is were the eruptides first came from according to the recoreds it continuasly spils syleon into the atmosphere cousing strange metereological phenomina, the syleon that acumulates on the ground is said to couse anomalise in space and time that many are still fasinated by and yet there is no surviving acounts of how the eruptides first attacked or how the seposid anomalise look like so our informasion is limited, it is a unspocken rule that if your below rank 7 is best you avoid going near it unless you have a death wish"
" now we are going to incounter diffrent kinds of eruptides and i want you to pay attention, you have only delt with terriads but we will have to face other threats, for example.
fleash hounds: they look like dogs on first glanse but that is becouse they have taken the skin of thoughs pore muts there about as big as half a metter with a bone frame and black skin that looks to be streached a bit too much by there over sized bones, there easy to kill there about as tough as dogs but just like dogs they hunt in pack so you need to be carefull. next are blooders: they are vagly humanoid with a blouted appearense they posses many human like limes and a protruding apendage on there head...thing that has needle like barbes, there large about one metter tall but there realy squishy so a well plased shot or stab and they will diflate like a boil. and finaly wraiths: they have gray skin and look the most human with white hair and black eyes there very tall aproximatly two and a half metters they only advice i can give you is run, run like hell and pray they didn't notice you and if you can't...well empty the magazine of anithing and everything you have at them and hope that's enough."
" now get ready the storm is supsiding we move out when it stops"