Lost Threads of Fate is a gripping fantasy novel that unravels the intricate lives of eight teenagers. Aimee, Hugo, Alexandre, Isabelle, Violet, Evelina, Serebrin and Ryo, whose destinies are bound by forces they can't yet comprehend. Set against the backdrop of two worlds-modern Earth and a mysterious realm echoing with ancient power-their journey begins with questions of identity, power, and the haunting pull of fate. As they unlock doors to another world, they are drawn into a war that forces them to confront their deepest fears, tragic losses, and the complex ties that connect them.
The title, Lost Threads of Fate, hints at the fragile connections that weave through their lives-choices that have been made, friendships formed, and the untold mysteries of their past. These "threads" are scattered, lost in the chaos of time and hidden truths, leaving the characters struggling to reclaim their place in a world on the brink of destruction.
With every twist and turn, the story delves deeper into the duality of fate: is it something they must fight against or embrace to uncover the secrets of who they truly are? Full of heart-pounding action, intense emotional bonds, and the looming question of whether they can survive the fate they've been dealt, Lost Threads of Fate promises readers a tale of sacrifice, destiny, and the unbreakable power of friendship.