Maximus's gaze swept over Ava, noting her rumpled hair and fiery glare. He was stunned that Ava was angry so early in the morning, but then, this wasn't an ordinary person. This was his extraordinary little wife. "For someone who had more than eight hours sleep, I expected an entirely different expression, little one."

"And I expected to be at home, but here I am. Doesn't that tell you you don't always get what you want?" Ava retorted, fighting to keep her eyes on his face.

Ethan bit his lip to suppress laughter, and took a step back. "I'll, uh, let you two... handle this," he mumbled before quickly exiting the kitchen.

Maximus wiped his hands on the towel as he leaned against the counter. "Have a seat, Ava. I made breakfast. I figured you'd be hungry since you didn't have lunch or dinner yesterday." He pulled out a chair on the counter. "I was tempted to wake you up for food, but you didn't seem like you wanted to, so I let you be."