The forced smile on Matilda's face vanished. "Is that a threat?" She took a step closer to him. "I don't know about the so-called respect you're claiming to have shown by coming here."
"But threatening to have your guards throw us out? I'll applaud you... that's brave. I'll also advise you to watch your tongue, Mr. Rowland. You seem to be forgetting the family you're addressing."
"He even barged into our room with his little entourage, and he's claiming to show 'respect.' Please, spare us the act." Sasha scoffed.
"I am simply doing my job. If you feel disrespected, that's unfortunate. You can take it up to the board, but I just insist that this room be vacated until the legal guardian arrives. I've been generous with my time."
Sasha let out a short, humorless laugh. "So in essence what you're saying is you're going to have us dragged out like criminals? Is that it?! Can you hear this, mother?! He wants to have us dragged out!"