It wasn’t just the spectacle of violence that entertained the other Lycans—it was the degradation, the stripping away of dignity from the werewolves in the cage. At the far side, arriving late, was Brittney, Darian’s mistress. Lucas’ mother didn’t even flinch when she saw her, she was composed.
“What’d I miss?’’ Brittney asked, taking up a chair as she came to kill Daria, Lucas’ grandma. Daria seemed happy and pleased to see the girl. As the betting began, voices rose above the clamor, placing wagers on who they thought would survive the gruesome fight.
“I’ve got ten gold on the skinny one!” a man shouted, pointing at a gaunt werewolf near the back of the cage. “Looks like he’s got some fight left in him.”
“Are you kidding? That one’s barely standing!” another jeered. “Five says he drops first. The big one’s got this in the bag.”