Nora Meets her Suspect

Michael and his two friends were chilling in an open cafe where they were discussing the ladies they had fun with last night at Kayla's party.

Kayla is Austin's ex-girlfriend. She is a model and also the breadwinner of her family. The twenty-two years old lady broke up with Austin because of his cheating skills and broken promises.

"But your girlfriend was really looking beautiful at the party," White said.

Austin looked at White and answered him saying, "if you want her, you are free to get her. I heard she is still single." He grabbed the drink in front of him and gulped it down his throat with his eyes still fixed on White.

Michael. chuckled at his two funny friends. "Any of you saw Kelvin at the party?" He asked.

Austin and White thought about the event last night, after much thinking Austin answered, "I don't think he was at the party last night."

"Yeah me too. If he was he would have come over to see us." White said. "Not to worry, I sent him the address. of our meeting spot today and he said he is going to come. Let's be patient and wait up for him."

They continued with their conversation when Kelvin appeared in front of them with a white T-shirt and black trousers. He walked up to them giving them a knuckle. He grabbed a seat next to Michael who was staring at him all the while. "What are you guys having?" He asked ignoring the stares Michael was giving him.

Michael knowing fully well Kelvin was avoiding his eyes continued to stare at him.

"Hamburger,." Austin said.

White checked his plate and noticed some rolls on his plate. " I have no idea what role this is."

"So you have no idea of what you are eating?" Austin asked.

White nodded staring at his plate. "That's Casserole," Kelvin told him taking a roll from his plate. He put it in his mouth and took a giant bite. "It tastes really good."

Kelvin turned his attention to Michael whose eyes is still fixed on him. "What are you having?" he asked.

"Oh! now you can see me." Michael remarked.

"Of course, I can, do I look blind to you?" Kelvin asked trying to take the pancake from Michael's plate but Mike was quick and he bit Kelvin's hand making Kelvin yelp in pain.

"ouch!" Kelvin touched his hand petting it as the spot where Michael bit turned red.

"Stingy, Selfish..." Kelvin paused as he raised his hand to signal the waiter who came to attend to him.

"what would you like to have sir?" the waiter asked.

Kelvin pointed at the food on his friend's plate. "I would like each of everything here," Kelvin said as the waiter smiled and left.

'You are going to eat that?" White asked.

Kelvin nodded.

"Shouldn't you be watching your weight or something?" asked Austin

"I am not a model so I don't need to besides, it's been so long since I had something this nice to eat."

The waiter arrived with his order. "Anything you would like to add?" the waiter asked.

"I am good," Kelvin answered as the waiter took his leave.

"Just know you are paying for that," Michael told him.

"I didn't ask you to pay, did I?" Kelvin said sarcastically.

"You all heard that right?? He is footing his own bills."

Austin and White laughed almost choking. "It's really nice to have you here Kelvin," White said.

Austin also replied saying, "Michael is a bored dude alone but with you, there's always something to laugh and joke about."

Kelvin looked at Michael and stuck out his tongue at him. Michael smiled because he knew they were right about it. Kelvin is definitely the fun one and he loves him for that. "Why weren't you at Kayla's party last night?" Mike asked.

Kelvin answered bluntly, "I hate her."

Austin looked up at him. "why?"

"she is too good and too sweet. I hate such kind of girls." Kelvin continued with his food.

"That reminds me..." White said as they all stared at him to listen to what he had to say. ".You are the only one who hasn't gotten a girlfriend yet. What's keeping you?"

"If I get a girlfriend, just know I am sticking with her till the end and now, I ain't ready for that," Kelvin answered.


Sara and Nora were coming to Oak and Honey to have their lunch when Sara saw Michael. She nudged Nora by the side with her elbow gesturing her to look at the table in front of them. "What?" Nora asked not understanding the signal.

"look ahead of you," Sara whispered even though the person she was gossiping about was miles away from them.

Nora looked ahead and there she met Michael with two friends. Austin was in front of Kelvin so Nora couldn't see him. Nora was about to turn back and leave but Sara dragged her and pulled her back. "can we just go somewhere else to eat?" Nora pleaded.

Sara shook her head. "This is the only place I am familiar with and I can attest to their food. I ain't going to any place I can't attest to their food." Sara pulled Nora closer as they got a seat in front of the guys "Besides, we have to show him a made a huge mistake dumping you." Sara whispered. Sara raised her hand to get the attention of the waiter. "Excuse me!" she said making the guys turn back to look at her.

"Isn't that Nora?" The girls heard one of Michael's friends ask.

Nora was shocked how that friend knew her name because Michael never introduced her to any of his friends. "Do you know him?" Sara asked. Nora shook her head as Sara attended to the waiter. "I will have pancakes and she will have..." she looked at Nora who was busy looking at someone next to Michael although she could only see his white shirt. Sara tapped Nora's hand to get her attention. "...What are you having?"

"Potato chips and fries," Nora answered with a smile.

The waiter bowed his head and left to get their orders. "What are you looking at?" Sara asked.

"I don't know but um.. that guy..." Nora asked as Sara tried to figure out the guy she was talking about.

"what guy?? I can only see two guys with Mike."

"No, there is one more next to him, and somehow he looks strangely familiar," Nora answered still trying to get a close look at the guy.

Michael's eyes were fixed on Nora but when he noticed Nora wasn't looking in his direction but in the direction of Kelvin, he couldn't help but be curious about it so he asked Kelvin, "" Do you know her? " Kelvin looked up at him Austin Michael gestured him to look at Nora who was also looking at him. To keep the ball rolling, Kelvin glanced at Nora and when their eyes met he looked away. "No, I have never seen her before." He answered Mike and went back to his meal.

"It's him," Nora said.

"him who?" Sara asked.

Nora got up to meet them tapping Kelvin who turned to look at her. "It's you isn't it?" she asked as Kelvin swallowed his food.

"What do you mean?" Kelvin asked. Everyone's attention was focused on them.

"Nora, what's the meaning of this?" Michael asked.

Nora looked at Michael with so much hatred in her eyes. She looked away and turned her focus on Kelvin who was now standing next to her with his arms folded across his chest.

Kelvin already knew that one day they would meet but he was visualizing in them alone not with Michael and his friends. He wants to keep the ball rolling and he won't let her ruin it. He is going to have to deny ever seeing her and he has to make it believable.

"It is you, right?" Nora asked again. "Are you happy after what you have done?"

Kelvin said to her, "Listen, I don't know you... I have never met you before in my life. I have no idea what you are talking about."

Nora brought out her phone and showed him the video and pictures that were posted on her work site. "You did this, didn't you?" she asked. "What did I ever do to you? Was it a crime for me to have mistakenly fallen asleep in a hotel room? People make mistakes and this is one I truly regret but then, did I deserve this??" she asked. She tried her best to control her tears and stop them from rushing but she couldn't. When Sara noticed Nora was crying, she tried to pull her away but Nora shook off her hand. "I only took two glasses, I had no idea they would make me sleepy. I didn't want to misbehave and I decided to just find somewhere to sleep so the drink can wear off but just that few destroyed my life."

Nora pulled Kelvin by his shirt staring him right in the eyes. "What did I do to you?"

Kelvin looked at her, grabbed her hand from his shirt, and threw it to her side as he fixed his shirt. "Just like you said, you were drunk...which means you must have envisaged seeing someone else who looks like me...and who would be so stupid enough to have a nap in a hotel room?" Kelvin asked. "Let's assume I was there although I wasn't, what makes you think I was the only one who would have visited that room?"

Nora tried to say something but nothing came out. Kelvin noticing she was speechless decided to continue. "Or does your father own the hotel?" he asked as his friends laughed. "Next time, don't drink what you can't handle." He sat down on his seat and ate his food.

Michael looked at Nora. "Just accept the fact that you slept around and stop shifting the blame on other people. You are nothing but a whore, that's all you are. Get out of my sight! you disgust me."

Kelvin stared at Nora but not wanting to let his emotion show, he turned back to his food.

Sara pulled Nora and this time she agreed to be pulled. Nora turned to face Michael who just made her feel more miserable than she already is. She walked up to him and said, "You will regret ever letting me go." and with, that she left the cafe.

"But we haven't finished..." Sara went to the table, dropped the payment for the food which they haven't eaten yet, and followed after Nora.

"That was a blast!" Austin said.

Michael thought about what Nora said he could see the determination in her eyes. He turned to look at Kelvin. "I thought you said you don't know her."

Kelvin looked at him. " I don't. " He answered and grabbed the last casserole on his plate and paid the waiter. "see you guys around. I need to attend to my dad." He gave them a knuckle before leaving.

Sara pulled Nora to a stop as Nora turned to face her with teary eyes. "How could you do such a thing?" she asked. "if you were planning something this stupid, you should have notified me about it."

"He called me a whore, Sara," Nora said as the tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably. "Me," she said placing her hand on her chest. She was about to bend down to cry when Sara pulled her up.

"No no no no....not here." Sara hugged her as Nora cried on her shoulders.

Kelvin stood afar off watching them. "I am going to help you make him regret his action." He said to himself. He brought out his phone and called his dad. The moment his father picked up he said, "Dad, I am ready to learn about the company...I will be home soon," with that, he ended the call, and gave one glance at Nora before leaving.