It's another day and Nora has been feeling good about herself lately. She and Sara was supposed to go on a job hunt today but Sara has things to do at the company which means she has to go on the job hunt alone. She got prepared for the job hunt, she prepared breakfast and went to Andrew's room to help him up that's if he is already awake. She entered his room while shutting the door behind her. She opened the curtains as rays of sunshine shone into the room. She helped him arrange his room and get his water prepared for bathing.
After she had prepared everything she went ahead to wake her brother patting him softly on his shoulders. "Andy, It's time to get up." She told him.
Andrew opened his eyes to see his younger sister standing next to his bed all dressed up. She helped him sit up while she placed a pillow at his back which he rested on. He turned to face her when she sat next to him. "Why are you fully dressed? Is there an occasion going on I should know about?"
Nora smiled. "I am going for a job hunt." She answered her brother.
"Yeah that's true." How about where you and Sara went to last time?" He asked.
Nora shook her head trying to get that moment out of her head. Andrew understood. "I met Michael by the way."
She was shocked. "How?" She asked.
"I was at the park and It happened that he was there."
"Well...What did...he say?"
"That's not for you to know." Andrew said to her. "You should start going so you can come back home early."
"I know that but first, I have to help you get dressed and help you with your breakfast."
"What's for breakfast then?" He asked.
"Pancakes." She answered.
Nora helped her brother to the bathroom.
Kelvin fully dressed in his green shirt and black trouser got ready for work. "Are you ready?" His father asked.
He nodded.
"Kim will be here soon."
"okay." Mr. Alfred answer. "Diego is going to join you at the company later today."
Kelvin turned to look at his father. His father noticed the sudden change in his facial expression ignored him. "He is your cousin. I don't want to leave him all alone here at home."
"Dad, he is twenty-two years old...He is no long a kid." Kelvin said.
"He will come over to the company and that's final. We ain't debating on this issue." His father walked away.
"Dad!" Kelvin called but his dad was gone.
Coming down the stairs was Diego with sleepy eyes. "Hey." He greeted but Kelvin ignored him as Kelvin was about leaving his presence, Diego ran and grabbed his hand. "We need to talk."
Kelvin jerked his hand away from his and said to him, "I have nothing to talk to you about." As he was about leaving, Diego grabbed his hand again.
"You don't have anything to say but I do." he pulled Kelvin to his room.
Diego shut the door behind them. "Listen Kev, I know you are mad at me but that was a long time ago man. I thought guys don't keep grudges."
"Now you know my type of guy do keep grudges."
"I am sorry and I promise it ain't gonna happen again."
"you said that like how many times? and didn't it repeat itself?" Kelvin asked.
"I promise and this time I am for real."
Kelvin looked at Diego and sighed. "I will take your actions for it." He left without taking another gaze at him.
Diego sighed as he placed his hands on his head.
Nora saw a vacancy at an eatery and she decided to give it a try. She entered the eatery as she glanced to see if she can see the one in charge. Someone noticed her and came to attend to her. "Hey! can I help you?" the girl asked.
"Um...Hi. Can I see the one in charge here?" Nora asked.
"He is kind of busy but you can relate your message to me and I will tell him." The girl answered.
"Can't I just see him for few seconds?"
"like I said, he's busy and can't see you right now. What part don't you understand?"
Nora was stunned at the girl's audacity. She know she is doing her job but does she have to be rude?? Nora thought.
"I think you have over-stayed your welcome, you can take your leave now." she pointed her hands to the exit gesturing Nora to leave. Nora couldn't even say a word as the girl walked her out of the eatery waving her goodbye.
Nora tried to hide her embarrassment but the people coming out of the eatery kept looking at her. She couldn't stand the attention she left. She sat for a while trying to think of what next to do when her phone rang. She brought out her phone, checked the caller and it was Sara. She probably called to check how i was doing, She thought. She sighed, cleared her throat before receiving call because Sara can sense when something is wrong and she doesn't want her leaving work just to see her. After she was certain her voice wasn't sounding sad or anything, she slide the answer button. "Hey Sara." Nora said faking a smile.
"Hey. How is it going?" She asked.
Nora paused before answering, "Well you know how it is, I am just um...trying to look for a good place." She said.
"You haven't found any?" Sara asked.
"Not yet but I will soon." Nora admonishes her.
"I know you will." Sara answered. "I have to hang up now just had to check up on you before I get super busy."
Nora understood. "I will let you know when I get one."
"Ok. Love you!" Sara said as she hung up.
Nora kept her phone in her bag and folded her arms and started her journey to look for another place.