Diego and Kelvin arrived at the office. Some of the staffs walked up to them to ask after Nora.
"We heard what happened, is she okay?"
"Nora is fine. Thanks for your concern. Please get back to work." Kelvin told them and they nodded.
"Anyone seen Michael?"
"Not all all sire."
"okay. You can get back to work." He and Diego went into his office.
Diego got a seat infront of Kelvin as they both talked about everything that has happened and possible future occurences. "Do you think Michael would come back?" Diego asked.
"Not with all his pictures going around." Kelvin told him. He looked at him and remember his meeting with Sara. "Have you called Sara?"
"Sara?" Kelvin nodded. "I was going to do that later today. Is something wrong with her?"
"I had a meeting with her and it felt like she was hiding something. I am not close enough with her to start askimg her questions but I think you should check up on her."
"Oh! I will do that after work."