The police took Michael to the station. He was asked to take off his clothes and some pair of green trousers and shirt were given to him.
Michael took the clothes and changed and he was taken to the cell where he was with other criminals like him. There were five hefty men in the cell and one of them walked up to meet him. Michael did his best not to interact with any of them. He wasn't in the mood to make trouble with anyone but it seems those men in the cell were in for trouble.
The man walked up to him and got down to his level, "We heard what you did and I would love to applaud you for that but what I don't understand is why you decided to come clean knowing well that you'd be sent to jail."
Michael didn't respond to the man. He was listening to every words he said but he didn't lwt it bother him.
"You know, I would love to see that lady and f**k her till she..."
Michael didn't let him finish his words when he punched the man on the face, making the man to stumble.