The hunt continued the next day, it was a walk in the pack by the two groups joined together, they were able to locate beasts easily with the help of one of Vondrel. Due to one of his innate abilities, he was able to sniff the air and locate where other beasts could be found.
Once they come across groups of beasts they choose themselves to take care of the beasts, one group will take care of a selected numbers, while the second group will take care of the other.
"Should we pay the eyes eaters a visit? " Sam asked during their recuperation.
"That is a great idea" a guy which goes by the name Mikel said with enthusiasm.
"Are you sure, they actually said they were plenty and overwhelming, i don't want to get caught up in it" another guy voiced out, fright evident in his word.
A foreign energy seeped into the environment, everyone could feel it and they all felt fear as if death was hovering over them. They all stared in a certain direction.